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英译汉..帮个忙啦An American diplomat(外交官) living in China decided o

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 14:35:08
An American diplomat(外交官) living in China decided one day to take a trip out of the city of Beijing with his wife.The diplomat's wife wanted to visit a nearby temple which she had looked up in a tourist guide.
After reaching the temple,the diplomat and his wife found that there was no one around at all.The temple seemed to be open,but no ceremonies were taking place at the time.
“Since we are here,”the diplomat said,“we can at least look around.”So the couple took a walk around the temple.While looking at the sculptures(雕塑)in one of the buildings,the diplomat and his wife met a monk..This was the head monk of the temple.After finding out that the diplomat and his wife were Americans,the monk asked the couple if they would do something to help the temple.
He asked,“Could you do us a great favor for our future visitors to guide and instruct them?Would you write something in English?”Of course the couple did not have to think over the monk's request.They agreed to help.The couple had to wait for the monk for a few minutes while he ran to find two pieces of wood for the couple to write on.
When the monk returned,he said,“Could you write the word‘ladies’on this piece of wood and‘gentlemen’on the other piece?”
英译汉..帮个忙啦An American diplomat(外交官) living in China decided o