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英语翻译The next Gospel story about Jesus is when his parents to

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/08/01 06:49:22
The next Gospel story about Jesus is when his parents took him at age twelve to Jerusalem for the Passover festival.On their way home,Mary and Joseph lost Jesus,discovering him finally in the Temple at Jerusalem,where he was discoursing with teachers.Years later,Jesus began his public ministry by letting his cousin,John the Baptist,baptize him in the Jordan River.In this Baptism of Jesus (12.130.1),the Holy Spirit flew down to him as a dove and a heavenly voice proclaimed him to be a beloved son.Going into the wilderness,Jesus was then enticed by the devil,the Temptation of Christ (61.248),all of whose temptations he withstood.Over the next three years,Jesus gathered twelve followers and performed miracles of healing,such as the Man Born Blind Being Cured by Christ and the Raising of Lazarus from the dead,as well as other feats,such as feeding a crowd of 5,000,and another of 4,000,with only a few loaves and fish—the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes (13.75).One of the most notable events during Jesus' ministry is his Transfiguration on a mountain.Accompanied by his followers Peter,James,and John,Jesus suddenly changed in appearance—his face shone and his clothes became dazzling white.The Jewish leader Moses and the Jewish prophet Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus,and a voice from a bright cloud claimed Jesus as a beloved son and ordered the disciples to listen to him.The teachings of Jesus during this time,many delivered in parables,focused on a repentance that would redirect a life to God,a life absolutely obedient to the will of God and following the love commandment expressed in Mark 12:28–31.This repentance was linked to a Last Judgment for mankind and the establishment of a reign of justice and peace—the Kingdom of God.
英语翻译The next Gospel story about Jesus is when his parents to
下一个福音故事,耶稣是当他的父母带他在十二岁到耶路撒冷的逾越节庆典.在回家的路上,玛丽和约瑟夫失去了耶稣,他终于发现在庙在耶路撒冷,在那里他与教师论.多年后,耶稣开始了他的公共事务部,让他的表妹,施洗约翰,洗他在约旦河.在此受洗的耶稣( 12.130.1 ) ,圣灵飞到了他作为一个鸽子和天上的声音宣布他是一个可爱的儿子.进入荒野,耶稣,然后引诱魔鬼的诱惑基督( 61.248 ) ,所有这些人的诱惑,他顶住.在未来三年内,聚集12耶稣的追随者表演奇迹愈合,如出生的人被治愈盲基督和提高拉撒路的死亡,以及其他功勋,如喂养一群5000 ,另一个4000 ,只有少数几个面包和鱼的奇迹的面包和鱼( 13.75 ) .其中最引人注目的事件在耶稣的部是他变了山区.伴随着他的追随者彼得,詹姆斯和约翰,耶稣突然改变在外观上,他的脸照和他的衣服成了耀眼的白色.犹太领袖摩西和犹太先知以利亚出现,并跟耶稣,和一个声音从一个光明云声称耶稣作为一个可爱的儿子,并下令弟子听他的.在耶稣的教诲在此期间,许多交付寓言,集中讨论了忏悔,能够将生命交给上帝,生活绝对服从上帝的意志和之后的爱情戒律表示马克12:28-31 .这忏悔是连结到最后的审判,并为人类建立一个执政的正义与和平,王国的上帝.