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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 08:33:04
自1978年中国实行改革开放以来,中国的政治体制改革已经进入了第26个春秋.对中国政治体制改革进程的阶段划分,从70年代末到80年代中期是政治体制改革的初步探索阶段,80年代中后期是政治体制改革的全面部署阶段,从80年代末到90年代中期是政治体制改革总结经验调整思路阶段,从90年代中后期至今是适应社会主义市场经济发展要求继续推进政治体制改革时期.中国政治体制改革呈现出波浪式前进的特徵,这四个阶段中先后进行了四轮政府机构改革,同时基层民主建设也在稳步推进,保持了改革内容的某种连续性.另一方面,90年代后政治体制改革思路也做出了重大调整,不再强调解决原有政治体制的总病根——“权力过分集中 ,也不再强调“党政分开 ,重点强调加强党的领导,但同时加快了公务员制度建设步伐并逐步在党政领导干部选拔任用中引入了群众参与机制,还接受了“法治 、“人权 和“权力监督制约 等概念并加强了相关的制度建设.
2.为着手解决党政不分问题,取消党与政府重叠的“对口部 ,一度减少党政兼职
7.进一步完善多党合作制度,充分配挥其“参政党 的作用
但是,我国的政治体制改革,总体来说,迄今有点类似于经济制改革,在以往一个时期内还处于“外围 阶段,而尚未逼近或进入“攻坚 阶段,仍处在较法的层面上,未从根本上解决权力过于集中特别是个人高度集权的问题,这倘问题制约经济体制改革攻坚战的推进,而且影响和制约着为加大反腐败力度而建立强有力的权力监督制约着社会稳定的维护和发展以及长治久安政治局面的任务,所以我国政治体制改革任重而道远
改革开放reform and opening-up
政治体制改革Political System Reform
阶段:stage, 也有用phase,居我的个人经验,用第一个较好.
初步探索阶段:primary exploring stage
全面部署阶段 whole deployment stage
总结经验调整思路阶段 Experience summary & Idea regulation stage
继续推进时期 consequent fulfillment stage
社会主义市场经济socialism market economy
波浪式前进advance wave upon wave
四轮 four sessions
政府机构改革 reform of governmental system
基层民主建设 primary-level democracy construction
权力过分集中over-centralization of the powers
党政分开separation between party and government
群众参与机制citizens participating system
党的领导Party's leading
公务员制度建设the construction of the public (civil也可以的) servant system
党政领导干部political and party leader cadre
以法治国: "governing the nation in accordance with law")
法治 legal control或者“Rule by Law”
Human Right人权
权力监督制约Restricting and Supervising Power
废除干部领导职务终身制abolishment of life-long tenure of leading cadres (还有一种说法abolish de facto life-long tenure of leading cadres)
新老交替the alternation of younger and elder
生机和活力vigor and vitality
党政不分government and party committee jointly
人民代表大会制度National People's Congress(NPC). System
民主法制建设construction of democracy and laws
司法制度改革Judicial reform(或者legal system reform)
行政体制改革administration reform
多党合作制度Multi-party system
参政党Political Participating Party
personnel system reform 人事制度改革
基层社会自治primary-level social self-governance
Since the fulfillment of reform & opening-up in 1978, Chinese political system reform (PSR) has entered into its 26th year age. The Chinese PSR course can be divided into four stages: its primary exploring stage is from the end of 1970s to mid-1980s; its whole deployment stage is mid & end-1980s; its experience summary & idea regulation stage is from end-1980s to mid-1990s; and its consequent fulfillment stage is from mid-1990s to today, which is mainly to meet the requirement of socialism market economy development. Thus Chinese PSR presents the characteristic of advance wave upon wave. During the four stages mentioned above, four sessions of reform of governmental system was carried out, and the primary-level democracy construction was advanced with steady steps, so certain continuity of the reform content was kept. On the other hand, the idea of PSR after end-1990s was regulated in a large scale. Now we de-emphasize the solution of the illness root of original political system-“over-centralization of the powers”, and we also de-emphasize the “separation between party and government”. We have stressed on the enhancement of the party's leading, simultaneously, we accelerated the step of the construction of the public servant system and introduced citizens participating system in the recruitment of the political and party leader cadres, and we also accepted the concepts of "rule by law", “human right”, and “restricting and supervising power” and enhanced the construction of relative systems.
Make a comprehensive view of the twenty-year-old history of Chinese reform, Chinese PSR has made rapid progress in many aspects as follows:
1. abolished de facto life-long tenure of leading cadres, realized the alternation of younger and elder, and strengthened the vigor and vitality of our nation and party;
2. to solve the problem of the government and party committee jointly, we cancelled the share parts of superposition of the party and the government, and reduced the party and government plurality.
3. consummated the National People's Congress(NPC). System continuously, and exerted its functions adequately, specially its legal function, and strengthened the construction of democracy and laws
4. 多次进行carried through the judicial reform and the administration reform many times and fulfilled the civil servant system
5. pushed the judicial reform energetically;
7. consummated the multi-party system and exerted the role of the Political Participating Parties;
8. explored and pushed the personnel system reform from multiple aspects;
9. Strengthened the construction of primary-level democracy, and pushed the primary-level social self-governance
10. explored and strengthened the democracy supervision from multiple aspects.
All of these reforms have made positive achievements to a much extent, and accumulated helpful experiences. This out of question will settle a good foundation for continually advancing PSR. However, collectively, Chinese PSR is similar to economical system reform heretofore. It presented in its periphery stage during its past period, and has not approached or entered into the assaulting fortified stage. It presents in the fairly low level and has not solved the problems of over-centralization of the powers after all, specially the individual over-centralization of the powers. This problem will block the impetus of the assaulting fortified fight of the economical system reform, and influence & restrict the construction of the powerful power supervision for anti-corruption, it also restricts the maintenance and development of a stable society and political phases. Thus Chinese PSR is burdened with heavy tasks and it is a long-term project.