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关于dress up这个用法

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 06:16:21
关于dress up这个用法
例1.Last Christmas,the circus owner,Jimmy Gates,decided to take some presents to a children's hospital.Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a 'guard of honour' of six pretty girls,he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo.
2.She was dressed up in her Sunday best.
3.After having decided to take some presents to a children's hospital,the circus owner,Jimmy Gates dressed up as Father Christmas and set off down the main street of the city riding an elephant called Jumbo.
4.He was going to lend me a policeman's uniform so that I could dress up for the party.
我想问的是dress up不是应该要用被动语态的吗?为什么例3,4直接用主动语态的呢?为什么例1,2就用被动?请问例34有错吗?例134都是出自于新概念英语2册第65课,两种用法都对吗?请讲解一下个中原因,
例3可否改成After having decided to take some presents to a children's hospital,the circus owner,Jimmy Gates was dressed up as Father Christmas.He set off down the main street of the city riding an elephant called Jumbo.
例4可否改成He was going to lend me a policeman's uniform so that I could be dressed up for the party.
关于dress up这个用法
there are many words in english which can be used this way. such as. worry. prepare. determine, dress...
1. i worry(myself) about my future. (active voice)
i'm worried about my future.(passive voice)
2. I'm preparing(myself) for exams.
i'm being prepared for exams.
3. i determined (myself) to study hard.
i'was deterined to study hard.
4. He dressed (himself) in red.
He's dressed in red.
sometimes there's no difference between them.one is active voice and another one is passive voice.
**** If you wanna get more details, increase y money.