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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/19 13:51:40

在学校生活中,有着父母般的老师、姐妹般的同学,我们应尽的是刻苦学习,因为学生来到学校本身就是来学习的,学习是我们学生的天职。在学校里,我们应尽的责任还有尊敬老师,因为老师把他所挖掘的知识全都传授给了我们,教导我们努力学习。老师的辛勤劳动不可以是白费的,所以我们得 高材生 老师,热爱教师 我们应尽的责任是遵守好学校的各项规章制度,热爱集体,因为遵守纪律是一个班级的班风如何的最好体现,一个班级只有遵守好了纪律,那才能算得上是一个好的班集体。



Since come to this world, a baggage then placed in our backpacks, regardless of how long distances, is impossible without it. This luggage is called - responsibility.
Grow, is a kind of responsibility. That means we will grow to face, to undertake alone, whether acid, sweet, bitter, hot, or because we have sensible, is no longer in their parents that rely on the naughty child play bosom.
In a loving family life, our parents. Our duty is obeying your parents, because parents are we came to this world, they lead us, raising, teach us into the future, the incentive to succeed, Our duty is respected elders, because that can improve our moral cultivation, We should care for the friend is the responsibility of our brothers and sisters, for they will be our friend, is our guide.
In school life, has the teacher, the parents and students, we should do is to study hard, because the student to study the school itself is to study, we are calling. At school, we bounden duty and respect teacher, because the teacher put his knowledge of mining taught us all, teaches us to study hard. The teacher's hard work can not be wasted, so we have to top teachers, teachers we bounden duty is to comply with the rules and regulations of the school, love the collective, because the class discipline is a best reflects how the class, a class only keep good discipline, the ability is a good class.
In social life is colorful, and all kinds of people, we should do is the responsibility of the public order, make oneself become a public order, only then the model character, can make society has become more orderly. Our bounden duty and care for the environment, because the environment is a social civilization degree of important yardstick, only the environment is good, the life also can we can really good.
A successful person must have certain conditions. One of them is the responsibility. Even if one intelligent almost, but if he willing to work, the chance of success will only intelligent than people without responsibility.
A man must not by all the responsibility to measure. Ordinary things can also showed his loyalty and responsible. Every one of us after work every day, whether before his desk tidy relaxed, Whether the drop on the floor ZiZhi conveniently pick it up, Whether punctuality, When he is wrong, whether have the courage to admit, immediately, or when others JiaoLai attempts,, it not only reflect a person's character, also can YuBu one's success.
This is a true story
A bus driver driving way heart attacks, lives in the last minute, do three things:
The car slowly stopped in -- along with the strength to ChaCheZha manual,
Open the door, and let passengers safety underground car,
Will the car engine flameout, ensure the safety of passengers, and pedestrians.
He finished these three things, peacefully over the steering wheel stopped breathing. All I remember his name.
Read the story and you must have felt a terrible powers, must realize what a strong sense of responsibility.
Responsible for the existence of god, the world is a test. Many people can't pass the test, escaping, Many people passed the test, wear a crown. As time goes by, the people escaping, what also did not leave, Through the people will die, but they are still alive, people will take his honour too high.
We all know that it is not standing at the school gate at home over the child, because he wants to guard and other children leave, but he stood to hold your position, it is rather than his responsibility.
Let all the children to have such good heart, let the responsibility in this fertile land from the growth.
May we all take responsibility of carrying on the way of life, let the life emits light gold.