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特别好的再加分哦 (相关用法最好都调出来,专业解释也要)

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 21:54:01
特别好的再加分哦 (相关用法最好都调出来,专业解释也要)
______ teens eager to keep in touch with their friends,a mobile phone has become a must for them.
A For B To C With D As
那个,其实还有一些问题.不好意思刚刚没放上来.时间有限,所以之后的题目可以先写答案等我追问.19 Many farmers in the countryside have gone to cities to look for work and left their children behind___ by their grandparents.
A to be raised B raised C being raised D raising
27 The hungry children care so little about their meals that ___ will do so long as the food fills their stomachs.
A nothing B everything C anything D something
31 As is reported,women with demanding jobs are almost _____ to suffer a heart attack.
A twice likely as B as likely twice C likely twice as D twice as likely
59 Medical experts say the most effective way to prevent the spread of disease is for people ____their hands with soap and water.
A to wash B washed C washing D being washed
特别好的再加分哦 (相关用法最好都调出来,专业解释也要)
一道英语选择题 高手进 要答案加详解 特别好的再加分哦 (相关用法最好都调出来,专业解释也要)
______ teens eager to keep in touch with their friends, a mobile phone has become a must for them.
A For B To C With D As
析: 作为从属连词,as可以引导原因状语从句,可惜eager是形容词,缺少动词be (are),所以不能选D
只有with这个介词可以跟复合宾语.如:with the door open, 其中open是形容词,作宾语the door的补足语.这里的eager 也是形容词作宾补.相当于:As teens are eager to .
With the time going, (=As the time goes, ), . , 随着时间的推移,.
再问: 你答得很好,不过关于这个问题我再多问一句,为什么不能理解成eager……作后置定语?另外for作介词的时候可以解释为“因为”吗?作连词时是否不能位于句首? 另外请看补充问题,如果你来不及在两天内这样详细的答完的话简单一点也不要紧。如果仍然这么好的话当然还会加分。高手啊……果然……
再答: 答:谢谢表扬! 你的这个想法很有道理!本来是可以的,但这句话中后面又有了个for them了,就不能这么去理解了。因为后面的for them, 就是“对他们而言”的意思。 如果没有后面的for them, 那么,填For也说得通了,相当于: For teens who are eager to ...., a mobile phone has become a must. 这是我事先没有想到的一种理解。谢谢你! for作介词时的用法、译法较多,多为“为了”,也有上面的“对。。。而言”,有时候也可能译成“因为”,这要看具体的句子。作为连词,前面说过,就是一个并列连词,常见例句: It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.
再问: 嗯,懂了。 补充问题,期待你的回答哦~~^-^
再答: 关于补充问题,我会选择一个回答。因为可能空间不多了,最多只能回答700个字了。剩下的请另开几贴问吧,也好让别人有机会回答,采纳。 ACDA 等待你的问题。
再问: 我高三啊……没空等那么多人答了。如果再开一个贴求助你,悬赏200,这样总能答完吧?
再答: 不另开贴也没关系。这几题好象比较简单,不需要很多空间来回答。但我需要你的问题。有问有答。答案已经给了。(追问的回答字数是有限制的,最多1000字吧)。
再问: 19题直接不懂了? 27题B为什么不对? 31题是哪个语法点,怎么语法书上木有? D不是说只有主语是hope,plan,intention,ambition,goal,aim,proposal,mission才用不定式作表语的么?我记漏了?还有哪些?帮我再补充几个
再答: 19 Many farmers in the countryside have gone to cities to look for work and left their children behind___ by their grandparents. A to be raised B raised C being raised D raising 答: A 译:许多乡下的农民去城里找工作,把孩子留下让爷爷奶奶去养。 析:本题考查非谓语动词。leave sb. behind是将某人留在后面,从这个by及children与raise的关系知道,该用ABC中的一个,排除D。因为D是现在分词的主动一般式。不定式表将来,是让他们的祖父母去养。C表示“正在被养”,B表示“被动、完成”。所以以A最佳。
再问: go on
再答: 27 The hungry children care so little about their meals that ___ will do so long as the food fills their stomachs. A nothing B everything C anything D something 问:B为什么不对? 答: C 译:那些饥饿的孩子对饭菜一点都不在意,只要能填饱肚子,什么都行。 析:本题考查合成不定代词和句子的理解。anything可以用于肯定句,表示“任何东西”,Anything will do. 表示“什么都行!” everything 表示“一切”,这是用汉语思维的结果,很难说清楚。
再问: go on
再答: 31 As is reported, women with demanding jobs are almost _____ to suffer a heart attack. A twice likely as B as likely twice C likely twice as D twice as likely 这是哪个语法点,怎么语法书上木有? 答:D 译:正如所报道的那样,工作要求很高的妇女得心脏病的概率几乎是一般人的两倍。 析:这一题较难一些,因为有省略。 首先,你应该熟悉这个句型:sb. is likely to do sth. 某人有可能会做某事。 这里的likely 是形容词。 其次你应知道平级比较: A is twice (3 times, 4 times) as +adj. as B这个结构。关键是倍数词+AS+形容词的这个语序。 四个中只有D是正确的。 最后是省略了后面的as+比较状语从句:as those with less demanding jobs./as those with ordinary jobs
再问: go on
再答: 59 Medical experts say the most effective way to prevent the spread of disease is for people ____their hands with soap and water. A to wash B washed C washing D being washed 问:不是说只有主语是hope,plan,intention,ambition,goal,aim,proposal,mission才用不定式作表语的么?我记漏了?还有哪些?帮我再补充几个 答:我没有讲过,也没有听说过,我从不去这么总结语法。你也不必去记这个。一般不定式作表语题要注意的是可以省略to的那个说法:有do 无to. 能用不定式作表语的词会有很多,what从句就可以: What I want you to do is raise questions , not only give us exercises to do. Your job today is to clean the blackboard. 你今天的工作就是擦黑板。 译:医学专家说,防止疾病传播最有效的方法是让人们用肥皂洗手。(这个and water多余了吧,不用肥皂和水,难道用肥皂和牛奶?^_^) 其实动名词也可以作表语的,但这里因为有for people的缘故,for sb. to do sth. 只能是A了。