作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 21:14:46
Project Requirements
As may be seen in the assignment sheet included in Appendix 1, the project requires students to obtain annual reports for two companies in a given industry-one to serve as the “base company” and one to serve as the “comparison company.” Then, students are required to analyze key trends in the base company’s income statement and balance sheet accounts, to discuss the base company’s major sources and uses of funding, to discuss non-financial statement items that would be important to consider before investing in a company in the industry, to compare the base company to another company in the same industry, and to make an investment recommendation. Thus, the project develops students’ business knowledge by requiring the students to understand the drivers of success in a particular industry and to evaluate a particular company’s performance with regard to key issues. The project develops students’ technical knowledge by requiring that students accurately report the changes that have taken place in a particular company’s financial accounts, understand the underlying causes of the changes, and understand the relationships among financial statement accounts. The project develops students’ critical reasoning skills by requiring that students identify issues which would be particularly important to investors in the industry, assess company performance in regard to those areas, and make and defend investment recommendations. In addition, the project develops students’ communication skills by requiring students to prepare concise written reports and to make oral presentations detailing and defending their analyses and conclusions. Finally, when used as a group assignment, the project also develops students’ understanding of group dynamics by requiring students to reflect on the group processes followed in completing the assignment.
课题要求在附录1的任务表中列出,1,该课题要求学生们获取一个特定行业的两个公司的年度报告,两个公司的一个作为主体,用另一个公司与其比较,要求学生们在准备投资该行业的一家公司之前对主体公司的主要 收入情况和账目结余情况进行分析,对主体公司的主要资金来源和用途以及需要认真考虑的财务报表以外的一些问题进行讨论,把两个公司加以比较,然后提出投资建议,因此,该课题通过让学生们了解一个行业的成功动力都是什么和评估一个特定公司在关键问题上的决策,来提高学生们的企业知识水平(开发他们的商业头脑),为了开发学生们的科技知识,该计划要求学生们对一个特定公司的财务报表上发生的变化作出精确报告,找出变化原因,了解财务报表间的相互关系,通过认定那些问题对该行业的投资人是至关重要的来提高学生们的思考能力,评估公司在相关领域的运作情况,对投资的安全提出建议,另外,该课题要求学生们准备剑明的书面报告,对自己的分析报告和结论作出口头的详细的支持性的论述,以此来提高学生们的沟通能力,最后,该课题作为一项集体作业,要求学生们反思集体完成该任务的程序和过程,以此提高学生们对集体凝聚力的理解,