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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/28 12:21:50
The Career I Pursue Many a college student begins to think a bout his ideal career the moment he steps into the college gate or even be fore that. Some students want to be scientists; others desire to be engi neers; still others intend to be economists, and yet others aim at bu siness managers or executives as their career. But what is my ideal career ? I want to be a teacher. People may think 1 am crazy in choosin g to be a teacher with such a low salary. But I admire and respect teacher s, because they impart knowledge to students, enlighten them, and thus the y are often honored as being “engineers of the human souls”. But how do I prepare myself to be a com petent teacher? To be a good teacher I must acquire a wealth of solid knowledge. Therefore, I must seize the golden opportunity the college offers me to learn as much as possible. I must learn all the required su bjects well in the first place, and read as extensively as possib le so as to be armed with a vast range of advanced modern knowledge, t hus getting myself qualified for a competent teacher.
再问: 有没有简单的,不用那么长
再答: I am going to make fried egg rice. First, I break and beat two eggs, add sauce and pepper to taste. Next, I pour in the cook ed rice into a frying pan. The cooked rice is preferably to be refrigerated. I fry the r ice for three minutes, then I pour in the b eat eggs and fry another five minutes. S coop the fried egg rice in a plate and ser ve with some cut spring onion.
再问: 你的回答完美的解决了我的问题,谢谢!
再问: 还有其他的吗???
再答: 要多少字的
再问: 正常点,别很长
再问: 9篇
再答: 好的
再答: 我先写
再问: 谢谢
再答: Suddenly look back, that we have already grew up, when the word, 18 has often hung in the mouth. Once upon a time, that is so sacred 18 years old, only know when we grow up, can fly. But now, when I really must face it, when suddenly feel a vague unprepared. I worry about whether oneself can fully understand 18 this ordinary digital contain rich connotations, but I understand, 18 means responsibility. Maybe growth itself is a kind of responsibility! High school years, we spent six years before the flowering, 17 in the rainy season. Once in the confusion, and in quiet sighed for yourself in confusion and calm, we grow up. Hence, began to use my own brain to think about everything around, perhaps this is shallow, but we should not blindly follow a group of pride, to the child with reason and mature farewell once young ignorant. 这个够吗?我以前写过的
再问: 管它够不够,凑够10篇就行
再答: SNOW At dusk,the weather became colder while the sky was gray,and the cold wind was blowing strongly.It seemed that it was going to snow soon. A moment later,the snowflakes began to fall quietly.Soon the land before my eyes was all white,like a beautiful blanket.Then it snowed more and more heavily.The trees were all covered with white quilts.The whole city became a silver world. The next morning,it stopped snowing and cleared up.I went into the yard.Looking far away,I saw a beautiful silver white world.A group of children were playing happily.Some were throwing snowballs to each other,others were making a snowman.Snow seemed to bring us warm and wishes.Cold as it was, nobaby felt cold in the white world. I love snow,because it is pure white.It brings us hope and vigour. 很符合现在的环境
再答: 我先自己做作业了
再问: 哦
再问: 还有没有英语作文
再问: 差5篇
再问: 10篇己好,勿挂
再答: 哦,我在睡觉
再答: Lee Young-ae is a famous Korean film st ar. She was born in January,31st,1971 in S eoul. With the weight of 48 kilograms and the height of 165 centimeters, she firstly got into the entertainment industry in 1993, and received lots of awards. In 2001,she published her autobiograph y and contributed all of the income to the poor students. She likes to sing, swim, ride a horse and play the piano.
再答: In recent years, many university students’ lifestyle is passive. They would like to stay at home or dormitory rather than to have courses, take exercises or join in social activities. This kind of unhealthy lifestyle will do harm to their physical conditions to some extend, and reduce their scope of knowledge In my opinion , unhealthy lifestyles of university students are caused by their reversed biological clock, addiction to computer games, irregular dietary structure, all kinds of competition pressures, and so on. To improve this way of life, we can take these measures. First, universities should hold the idea “health comes first” and educate students to study hard. Second, parents should cooperate with universities by creating comfortable atmosphere at home. What’s the most , university students themselves should form good habits and healthy interests, take extracurricular activities positively and do exercises regularly.