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英语单选16.He devoted too much time ___ French.A.in learning B.t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 16:39:01
16.He devoted too much time ___ French.
A.in learning B.to learning C.of learning D.to learn
17.Don't forget ___ this book to John when you see him.
A.to return B.returning C.return D.to returning
18.He was prevented ________ his work by his illness.
A.from finishing B.of finishing C.to finish D.to have finished
19.“I must apologize for ahead of time.” “That’s all right.”
A.letting you not know B.not letting you know
C.letting you know not D.letting not you know
20._______ the exam will disappoint your parents.
A.You failing B.Your failing C.You fail D.You to fail
21.“Who is the actor ________ the hero in the new film?” “The man who starred in the comedy we saw last week.”
A.to act B.acts C.acted D.acting
22.It was _______ to watch the little children _______.
A.amuse; played B.amused; playing C.amusing; playing D.amusing; played
23.I tried to convince my parents _______ me to travel alone,but I failed.
A.allowing B.to allow C.of allowing D.by allowing
24.Although they tried every means possible,the experiment ended up in _______.
A.result B.regret C.emergency D.failure
25.“Where’s Miss Dolan?” “I saw her ______ the meeting room just now.”
A.enter B.entered C.entering D.was entering
26.Up to now thousands of people _______ the famous film star’s blog.
A.read B.are reading C.have read D.will read
27.“Did you see Jenny just now?” “I heard her _______ when I passed her room.”
A.sing B.sang C.to sing D.singing
28.He kept me ___ for many hours.
A.to wait B.having been waited C.waiting D.waited
29.A policeman was injured while _____________ traffic.
A.being directed B.directing C.directed D.having directing
30.The old man ______________ sit in the sun,watching the children playing.
A.was content to B.was content with C.has content to D.has content with
31.______ that there will be a big snow on the way.
A.We are likely B.It is likely C.Likely D.The weather’s likely
32.This method presents a new ____________ to foreign languages.
A.present B.expression C.gesture D.approach
33.My father enjoys sitting by the window,___________ the sun going down.
A.watching B.to watch C.watch D.watched
英语单选16.He devoted too much time ___ French.A.in learning B.t
1.A,因为devote to do sth.是个搭配啊,意思把什么东西贡献在某一方面上.
2.A,因为forget to do sth 或者forget doing sth,是词组额,但后者表示记得做过谋事是做了的事情,而前者是记得做,但又没做的,例如关灯吧,是没有做的
3.A,因为Prevent from是个固定搭配,意思是把什么什么驱赶在外.后面+名词或者动词Ing形式~
4.B,因为这个关于动词否定句式的应用,那个not不能放在know前面,只有加个助词do,例如,don't know,但句中没这,所以要把not提前到let的前面..
5.B,your failing the exam,表示一个主胃关系,YOUR后面加名词吧..
8.C,因为convince of是个固定搭配,意思为说服
11.C,因为Up to now 是个现在完成时的标志,所以用Have done句式
13.B,因为for many hours可见,是个现在完成时标志呀,并且keep后加动词Ing形式所以呢,就选B了
15.,因为was content with是个固定搭配,意思为对什么满意,而且Content是个形容词
16.B,因为It is likely that表什么是有可能,也是个固定搭配
17.B.method presents 是方法介绍的意思,语言是用来表达的,expression是表达的意思
19.A ,因为这是个并列句式,enjoY后加动词ING形式,与前面的动作保持一致