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请问语法:she hoped the dog would find it too tall.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/28 04:56:42
请问语法:she hoped the dog would find it too tall.
1. She hoped the dog would find it too tall.
请问hope是谓语动词,the dog后面那个would算什么成分?这是一个句子,还是从句?1个谓语动词就够了,那would放在那里算什么?
2. She kept on hoping not to get caught.
请问这个句子是表示被动,就是别被抓. 但被动不是be +过去分词吗? 这里be动词是什么? get是什么成分,是动词原型的话,后面的caught为什么又是过去分词形式呢?
请问语法:she hoped the dog would find it too tall.
The Chase
There was a dog thatgrowled at a cat.What do you think the cat thought of that?The cat ran througha field of flowers.The dog chased the cat for hours and hours.The dog just would not stop the chase.They bothgot mud all over the place.The cat leaped over a big stone wall.【She hoped the dog would find it too tall.】 But the dogfound it no trouble at all.The cat jumped into the lake with a splash.But justbehind came the dog in a flash.The cat crawled out,dripping cold water.The dog kept swimming and almost caught her.Into the field the cat ran away.The dog thought he would catch her today.She tried to hide,but her tail stuck out.The dog found the cat by sniffing about.The cat ran down a ditch like a shot.She kept on hoping not to get caught.】The dog was so close that she couldn’t hide.So first she ran down,and then up the side.The cat climbed a tree up to the top.The dog could not climb.He had to stop.He sat and howled under the tree.The chase was done,and the cat was free.
1. She hoped the dog would find it too tall.
请问hope是谓语动词,the dog后面那个would算什么成分?这是一个句子,还是从句?1个谓语动词就够了,那would放在那里算什么?
答:这是一个主从复合句.She hoped 的后面是一个宾语从句(【that】the dog would find it too tall.),由连词that引导,由于它既没有词义,在宾语从句中也不作成分,所以常省略.在这个从句(也是一个句子,有主语,有谓语等等)中主语是the dog,would find是谓语.it too tall 是宾语+宾语补足语.would find是“过去将来”,你应该学过的.
2. She kept on hoping not to get caught.
请问这个句子是表示被动,就是别被抓. 但被动不是be +过去分词吗? 这里be动词是什么? get是什么成分,是动词原型的话,后面的caught为什么又是过去分词形式呢?
答:这个句子不是被动语态.结构是:she kept on doing sth.意思是“她不停地做着同一件事情”.
这里的doing sth.是动名词短语.具体是:hoping not to get caught.希望不被捉住.
是的,被动结构多为助动词be+过去分词,但你不知道的是,get有时可以代替be动词,一样表示“被动”.not to get caught =not to be caught 是不定式的否定结构.不定式符号to后一定是动词原形.
再问: 感谢你详细的回答,基本明白了.  not to get caught =not to be caught 这个不还是被动语态吗?你说第二句不是被动语态,但后面not to get caught 应该是被动语态吧?
再答: 也可以这么说,但为了与谓语动词的被动语态区分,非谓语动词,我不称它们为被动语态,而称之为非谓语动词的被动式,或被动态。 我去查一下语态的定义: 语态_百度百科 语态,是英语语法的基础,在语法学中,语态是描述句子中动词和参与此动作之主语之间关系的一个术语。当主语是动作的发起者(或之一)时,称为主动语态;如果主语为动作之承受者,称为被动语态 所以我说,第二个句子不是被动语态句子,而是一个主动语态的句子。因为句子的主语是She, 和keep on 之间是主动的关系。 不过,not to get caught 是不定式的一般被动的否定式。其逻辑上的主语是she,不知道你能不能理解,什么叫逻辑上的主语,什么叫句子的主语。