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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 14:29:45
When Mary came to the Manor to live with her uncle, Mr. Craven, everyone said she was most disagreeable-looking(长相不招人喜欢的).
She arrived from 26 after her parents died of illness. Mary had a thin face, and never
27 . Mr. Craven’s housekeeper came to 28 her. She explained where Mary was going to live: “The house, on the edge of a moor(沼地), is six hundred years old. There are a hundred rooms in it, but most of them are 29 and locked. Your uncle’s got a crook(弯曲的)back. You’ll have to play 30 and look after yourself.”
After Mary arrived, she found things very 31 from India. On the first morning, she asked the housemaid, Martha, “Who is going to dress me?” Martha was 32 , “Can you not dress yourself? It’s time you should 33 .
One day Mary was told to go and play alone in the 34 , but not to go near the Secret Garden, as Mr. Craven had locked it. Mary was very 35 . “It was Mrs. Craven’s garden,” said Martha. “One day she was sitting on an old tree and the branch broke. She fell off, 36 so badly that the next day she died.”
Mary spent all her time playing outside. One day she saw a bird. Under its feet was a(n) rusty (上锈的)key, the key to the Secret Garden! When Mary went in, she found it was the 37 , most mysterious place anyone could 38 . There were roses all over the trees and sharp, pale green shoots sticking out of the earth. Mary 39 space around them to allow them to grow. “I’ll come back tomorrow,” she said, looking around and speaking to the trees and the rosebushes 40 they heard her.
26. A. faraway B. England C. India D. home
27. A. smiled B. cried C. talked D. played
28. A. take B. meet C. received D. pick
29. A. deserted B. under repair C. shut up D. furnished(装置)
30. A. joyfully B. alone C. well D. hard
31. A. difficult B. natural C. similar D. different
32. A. kind B. anxious C. surprised D. concerned
33. A. learn B. do C. dress D. start
34.A. garden B. house C. moor D. room
35. A. interested B. curious C. eager D. puzzled
36. A. ached B. wounded C. hurt D. damaged
37. A. strangest B. dirtiest C. cleanest D. sweetest
38. A. dream B. imagine C. think D. consider
39. A. cleaned B. made C. cleared D. found
40. A. only if B. so that C. in case D. as if
26 —30 CABCB 31 — 35 DCAAB 36 — 40 CDBCD
The sun was shining when I got on No. 151 bus. We passengers sat jammed in heavy clothes. No one spoke. That’s one of the 36 rules. Although we see the same faces every day, we prefer to 37 behind our newspapers. People who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their 38 .
As the bus came near th4e Mile, a 39 suddenly rang out, “ 40 ! This is your driver speaking.” We 41 the back of the driver’s head. “Put your papers down. All of you.” The 42 came down. “Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go ahead.”
43 we all did it. Still no one smiled. I faced an older woman, her head wrapped in a red scarf. I saw her 44 every day. Our eyes met. We waited for the next 45 from the driver. “Now repeat after me. Good morning, neighbor!”
Our voices were 46 . For many of us, these were the 47 words we had spoken that day. But we said them together, like 48 , to the strangers beside us. We couldn’t help 49 . There was the feeling of relief (解脱) that we were not being robbed. Moreover, there was the sense of ice being 50 . “Good morning, neighbor.” It was not so 51 after all. Some of us repeated it, others shook hands, and many laughed.
The bus driver said nothing more. He didn’t 52 to. Not a single newspaper went back up. I heard laughter, a warm sound I had 53 heard before in bus No. 151.
When I 54 my stop, I said goodbye to my seatmate, and then jumped off the bus. That day I was 55 off happily.
36. A. unwritten B. strict C. legal D. important
37. A. read B. sit C. talk D. hide
38. A. ways B. methods C. respect D. distance
39. A. message B. voice C. suggestion D. warning
40. A. Attention B. Mind C. Notice D. Listen
41. A. stared into B. knocked at C. cared about D. looked at
42. A. papers B. passengers C. neighbors D. tears
43. A. Certainly B. Unwillingly C. Surprisingly D. Delightedly
44. A. still B. nearly C. even D. hardly
45. A. turn B. talk C. order D. remark
46. A. high B. fast C. slow D. weak
47. A. first B. last C. best D. only
48. A. teachers B. citizens C. patients D. schoolchildren
49. A. shouting B. whispering C. smiling D. wondering
50. A. formed B. heated C. broken D. frozen
51. A. sad B. hard C. ordinary D. shy
52. A. need B. want C. like D. begin
53. A. often B. never C. ever D. always
54. A. made B. reached C. came D. found
55. A. starting B. seeing C. taking D. turning
If you didn’t know anything about it, a place with a name like the Dead Sea might not sound very attractive. But the reality is that the Dead Sea is a very 36 place.
The main thing is the salt. I had 37 a little about the place, so I knew the Dead Sea is so 38 that it’s hard for 39 to live in it, which is 40 it’s called the Dead Sea. And I knew that it’s seven times as salty as the ocean.
I was eager to 41 there, because the salt does more than keep the sea fish-free, it makes you 42 like you’re full of air. 43 my friends and I got tired of floating like soap bubbles, we put big rocks between our legs. The rocks helped us 44 lower in the water. We thought we looked really funny, 45 then we noticed something that wasn’t so funny. Salt stings (刺痛). Even my friend’s 46 face began to hurt, so we 47 the Dead Sea as fast as we could. And that’s when we found the 48 .
The mud by the Dead Sea is 49 many minerals — nor just salt — and these minerals are good for your 50 . So people 51 in the mud, like puppies (小狗) playing in the grass. We 52 every inch of our bodies with black, sticky mud 53 began to laugh very hard. And we 54 , so we can always remember how we look 55 our suits of mud.
36. A. common B. special C. beautiful D. dangerous
37. A. read B. seen C. heard D. found
38. A. strange B. wide C. deep D. salty
39. A. plants B. animals C. anything D. everything
40. A. how B. why C. because D. thus
41. A. live B. swim C. visit D. travel
42. A. float B. lie C. sleep D. rise
43. A. Before B. Until C. After D. While
44. A. sing B. dance C. drop D. sink
45. A. as B. but C. since D. even
46. A. frozen B. shocked C. lost D. shaved
47. A. jumped into B. dived into C. got out of D. looked out of
48. A. fish B. water C. rock D. mud
49. A. lack of B. full of C. bad for D. harmful to
50. A. breath B. stomach C. taste D. health
51. A. roll B. dive C. drink D. cry
52. A. struck B. moved C. covered D. discovered
53. A. while B. and C. still D. or
54. A. watched games B. made notes C. walked around D. took pictures
55. A. over B. in C. below D. with

Two years ago I moved to a new neighborhood . There seemed to be very __21__ people in this area __22__ are without telephones , __23__ I hoped to get a new phone quickly . I __24__ one as soon as I moved into my new house .
“We aren’t __25__ many new phones in your area ,”an engineer told me . “A lot of people want new phones __26__ and the company is employing __27__ engineers than last year so as to __28__ money . A new phone __29__ you much money , but it will __30__ a little time . We can’t do anything for you before __31__ . ”
You need a lot of ___32___ if you’re waiting for a new phone and you need a few ___33___ whose phones you can __34__ as well . Fortunately , I had ___35__ .
December came and __36__ , but there was ___37__ sign of phone . I went to the company’s office to ask about it . “They told me I’d have a phone __38__ December , ”I said __39__ .
“ __40__ ?”the assistant asked .
21. A. few B. many C. much D. such
22. A. which B. whom C. whose D. who
23. A. because B. so C. though D. since
24. A. looked after B. asked for C. found out D. picked up
25. A. supplying B. selling C. building D. repairing
26. A. for a long time B. at the moment C. at that time D. for a moment
27. A. more B. fewer C. less D. enough
28. A. waste B. make C. save D. get
29. A. will pay B. won’t pay C. will spend D. won’t cost
30. A. take B. spend C. do D. have
31. A. December B. this year C. Christmas D. next year
32. A. money B. time C. patience D. help
33. A. friends B. engineers C. lawyers D. guides
34. A. lend B. use C. answer D. choose
35. A. one B. either C. both D. neither
36. A. went B. gone C. going D. to go
37. A. not B. no C. a D. the
38. A. in B. after C. by D. for
39. A. quickly B. anxiously C. angrily D. happily
40. A. Really B. Is that proper C. Are you right D. Which year
21----25 A D B B A 26----30 B B C D A 31----35 A C A B C 36----40 A B C C D

I once thought I would be a perfect parent. It took 1 sixteen years to learn 2 I could not be. I know that I made 3 mistakes. If I raised my 4 again, I would not make those 5 . Maybe I would make 6 ones, but I would do a better job.
I would try to understand my 7 towards my children. I often did what my own 8 would have done. I 9 their ways of raising children control me. For example, I had my teenage 10 David come home early. He hated this rule. He said no reason 11 it. As a girl, I had to be 12 early. I wanted my son to do 13 . Today I would think more about 14 I wanted things done in a certain way.
My father was sick when I was 15 . My sister, my brother , and 16 were quiet at 17 . We did not yell in anger. We did not shout for 18 . I wanted my children to be quiet too. I never 19 to ask “why?” 20 was hard for me to let my children show anger. I stopped my children when 21 started to get angry. Now I would tell my 22 . “It is all 23 to show love,. It is all right to show 24 . Your feelings are good. I love you 25 what you feel .”
1、A、more B、me C、in D、my
2、A、this B、what C、since D、that
3、A、some B、few C、no D、any
4、A、hand B、questions C、demand D、children
5、A、answers B、says C、mistakes D、friends
6、A、old B、new C、some D、little
7、A、questions B、love C、actions D、mistakes
8、A、children B、belief C、parents D、strength
9、A、love B、open C、let D、go
10、A、son B、mister C、young D、friend
11、A、at B、for C、by D、of
12、A、natured B、loved C、home D、quick
13、A、the same B、a lot C、well D、at once
14、A、what B、which C、why D、whom
15、A、taught B、told C、young D、naughty
16、A、we B、he C、I D、me
17、A、all times B、no time C、some time D、the time
18、A、joy B、anger C、all D、games
19、A、believed B、worried C、realized D、stopped
20、A、It B、I C、There D、Sometimes
21、A、parents B、suddenly C、had D、they
22、A、parent B、children C、neighbour D、brother
23、A、in all B、men C、agreed D、right
24、A、love B、anger C、yourselves D、around
25、A、no longer B、no more C、no wonder D、no matter
答案: 1、B 2、D 3、A 4、D 5、C 6、B 7、C 8、C 9、C 10、A 11、B 12、C 13、A 14、C 15、C 16、C 17、A 18、A 19、D 20、A 21、D 22、B 23、D 24、B 25、D
Michel is a young girl who works for the police (1)a handwriting expert (专家). She has helped (2) many criminals (罪犯) by using her special talents (天才).
When she was fourteen, Michel was already (3) interested in the differences in her friends' (4) that she would spend hours (5) them. After (6) college she went to France for a (7) two-year class in handwriting at the School of Police Science.
Michel says that it is (8) for people at hide their handwriting. She can discover (9) of what she needs to know simply (10) looking at the writing with her own eyes, (11) she also has machines
(12) help her make (13) different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often (14) great help to the police.
Michel believes that handwriting is a good (15) of what kind of person the (16) is. "I wouldn't go out with a fellow (17) I didn't like his handwriting. " She says. But she (18) she fell in love with her future husband, a young policeman (19) she studied his handwriting. It is later proved to be (20), however.
1) a. with b. by c. like d. as
2) a. search b. follow c. catch d. judge
3) a. so b. too c. quite d. extra
4) a. books b. letter c. tongues d. handwriting
5) a.writing b. studying c. settling d. uncovering
6) a.attending b. finishing c. starting d. stepping into
7) a. powerful b. natural c. special d. common
8) a.main b. safe c. easy d.impossible
9) a. most b. nothing c. little d. sight
10) a. with b. by c. of d. about
11) a. so b. for c. thus d. but
12) a. they b. in which c. that d. those
13) a. up b. out c. for d. into
14) a. of b. to c. with d. for
15) a. test b. sign(标记) c. means d. habit(习惯)
16) a. thief b. criminal c. writer d. policeman
17) a. whether b. unless c. if d. after
18) a. adds b. tells c. repeats d. cries
19) a. before b. after c. shyly d. and
20) a.necessary b. all right c.important d. quite easy
1、D 2、C 3、A 4、D 5、B 6、B 7、C 8、D 9、A 10、B 11、D 12、C 13、B 14、A 15、B 16、C 17、C 18、A 19、A 20、B
When my wife, who is Spanish, spent her first winter in London a few years ago, she sed to ask me time and again: "Where's .the fog?" Almost all foreigners 36 to find the city full of yellow-grey fog for most of the year. Dickens, who was . 37 responsible or painting this 38 in people's minds, certainly wasn't joking in those days. In the nineteenth century people used to say 39 someone attempted to kill himself by 40 into the Thames, he would be choked by the fog and poisoned by the terrible 41 of the river before he had time to drown himself. In fact, the situation has 42 only in recent years. When I was a boy in London thirty years ago, I was often unable to see 43 of the road when I left home on winter mornings.

The key steps that have turned London into one of the 44 cities in the world were 45 at the end of the 1950s. But Londoners still find it 46 that fog hardly returns. Actually the 47 took place as a result of two main improvements. Factories were forced to fix equipment for air cleaning 48 close down, and local people were not allowed to 49 coal unless it was smoke-free. But the 50 incredible miracle in London occurred 51 1964 when the Thames Water Authority began to pump vast 52 of dissolved oxygen into the river. 53 , varieties of fish that had gradually disappeared from the Thames since 1800 have 54 , and some are 55 caught by fishermen outside the House of Parliament (议会).

36. A. plan B. manage C. wish D. expect
37. A. at all B. above all C. after all D. in all
38. A. picture B. scene C. photo D. portrait
39. A. why B. when C. how D. while
40. A. swimming B. floating C. blowing D. jumping
41. A. air B. smell C. smoke D. gas
42. A. come B. happened C. changed D. remained
43. A. both sides B. another side C. the other side D. each side
44. A. dirtiest B. busiest C. cleanes D. quietest
45. A. taken B. produced C. made D. set
46. A. hard B. strange C. special D. safe
47. A. stories B. programs C. changes D. steps
48. A. and B. but C. to D. or
49. A. dig B. make C. move D. burn
50. A. true B. large C. real D. probable
51. A. in B. before C. from D. since
52. A. deal B. number C. size D. quantities
53. A. Actually B.Besides C.However D. As a result
54. A. adjusted B. returned C. lived D. recovered
55. A. even B. still C. hardly D. quite
key:36~40 DBABD 41~45 BCCCA 46~50 BCDDC 5l~55 ADDBA
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