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Farm out 是什麼意思?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 18:07:23
Farm out 是什麼意思?
Farm out 是什麼意思?
外包 (工件、活计等)
farm out
We had too much work to do,so we farmed some out.
再问: 什麼是外包?
再问: 在其他词语代替吗?
再答: “外包”就是花一些钱让其他人做,自己可以赚一个差价的意思.
再答: 1.send away to be done;rent out请他人代劳;招人承包;出租
Our teacher had too many test papers to read,so she farmed out half of them to a friend.我们老师须批改的试卷太多,所以她分出一半请朋友帮忙批阅。
The work has been farmed out to various people.这个活儿包给了许多人。
Landlords in old China farmed out their land to their tenants and lived in luxury off the rents.在旧中国地主把土地出租给佃农,靠收租过着奢侈的生活。
They may farm out production of the machine parts to other factories.他们可以让别的工厂承包一些机器零件的生产。
2.send away to be taken care of送请他人照料
While mother was sick,the children were farmed out to relatives.在母亲生病期间,孩子们被送请亲戚照顾。
The woman was kind to those children who were farmed out to her.那女人对寄养在她家的孩子关怀备至。
3.send a player to a league where the quality of play is lower把球员送到水平较低的球队去锻炼
The player was farmed out to Rochester to gain experience.这个队员被派到罗彻斯特队以获取比赛经验。
4.exhausted for farming 地力耗尽
This land has been farmed out.这块地(因种植过多)地力已耗尽。
再答: 这个解释会更详细一点,四个解释都可以代替farm out