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英语翻译把下面15题翻译一下,Thanks guys1) regular reading regular flights

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 13:47:42
把下面15题翻译一下,Thanks guys
1) regular reading
regular flights
regular job
regular visitor
regular speed
regular gasoline
regular verb
regular army
2) The days arepast when we used foreign oil.
There was no question that Benz had a respectablepast.
The warm Japanese Current flowspastthe coast.
Tom walkedpastwithout noticing her.
3) Hecuts his finger on the broken glass.
A brookcuts that field.
The cold windcuts me to the bone.
4) In ancienttimes China made great discoveries.
There aretimes when I didn't know what to do.
5) Tom offered totreat us to dinner.
I wastreated like a member of the family.
This is mytreat.I'll pay.
The bosstreats the workers like dirt.
Her son's visits are a greattreat for her.
6)There was noprovocationfor such an angry letter.
7) Fatty's Restaurant had become aninstitution in his life in the last seven years.
8)The trunk was big and awkward and loaded with books.But his case was a differentproposition.
9) The wedding,which Heyward still remembered with pride,was attended by aWho’s Who of Boston Society.(社团领袖,有影响的人物名人).
10) .The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era ---- the Industrial Age.Money had becomeKing.
11) The leader spoke in praise of those who haddied for their countries.
12)Tom always boastsabout his past.
13 ) Parents are alwaysambitious for their children.
14)At that time no one watched out for Hitler’sambition.
15) Theburning questions of my childhood had been richly answered.
英语翻译把下面15题翻译一下,Thanks guys1) regular reading regular flights
翻译这么多,不选,你的良心就大大的坏1) regular reading 合理阅读
regular flights 定期航班
regular job 正规工作
regular visitor
regular speed 正常速度
regular gasoline普通汽油
regular verb 规则动词
regular army常备军
2) The days arepast when we used foreign oil.我们用外国石油的日子过去了.
There was no question that Benz had a respectable past. 不可置疑奔驰有着辉煌的历史.
The warm Japanese Current flows past t he coast.日本暖流流过海岸.
Tom walkedpastwithout noticing her.汤姆走了过去没注意到她.
3) Hecuts his finger on the broken glass.破碎的玻璃划破了他的手指.
A brook cuts that field.这条小溪从田地的细缝流淌.
The cold windcuts me to the bone.冷风刺入我的骨头.
4) In ancienttimes China made great discoveries.古代的中国有着很多的发明.
There aretimes when I didn't know what to do.有些时候我知道该做什么.
5) Tom offered to treat us to dinner.汤姆要请我们吃饭.
I wastreated like a member of the family.我像家庭的一份子的被对待.
This is my treat. I'll pay.这是我请的客.我来付钱.
The bosstreats the workers like dirt.老板像对待员工像垃圾一样.
Her son's visits are a greattreat for her.她儿子的到来给她很大的欣慰.
6)There was no provocation for such an angry letter.没有别这封讨厌的信件更让人生气的了.
7) Fatty's Restaurant had become an institution in his life in the last seven years.胖子旅店已经成为他最后7年的一个机构.
8)The trunk was big and awkward and loaded with books. But his case was a different proposition.这个箱子很大很棘手装满了书.可是他的箱子是完全不同的.
9) The wedding, which Heyward still remembered with pride, was attended by aWho’s Who of Boston Society.(社团领袖,有影响的人物名人).这个婚礼,海沃德始终记得,他很骄傲,参加的都是波士顿社会的高层人物.
10) . The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era ---- the Industrial Age. Money had become King.这个机器的发明已经带来世界的新纪元---工业革命.钱成为了主宰.
11) The leader spoke in praise of those who had died for their countries.领导人歌颂着那些为国家而牺牲的人.
12)Tom always boasts about his past.汤姆总吹嘘他的过去.
13 ) Parents are always ambitious for their children.父母都望子成龙.
14)At that time no one watched out for Hitler’s ambition.那时没有人注意到希特勒的野心.
15) The burning questions of my childhood had been richly answered.这个我孩提时最吸引人的话题正在被丰富地解答着.