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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/12 02:41:03
老师您好这是北京N个城区的一模题我再做一遍发现的错误 下划线的是我的错误选项 请老师帮忙讲下,题目稍微有点多献上66豆~ 崇文26. The photographs of Ms. Kerry, she often makes her family members her subjects, are of great value. A. for whom B. in which C. about which D. of whom 怎么选啊 朝阳27. The film A World Without Thieves a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinema. A. was enjoyed B. enjoyed C. is enjoyed D. enjoys(选对了 蒙的) 28. Children, hold the bottle with your right hand. Tommy, you are not correct. Please use your hand. A. other B. the other C. another D. the another 一只手另一只手 ONE THE OTHER? 29. Don’t mention this matter to him while you with him this afternoon.选个ING的吧 还不对 A. will talk B. talk C. have talked D. will be talking 30. —Did Jack come back early last night? —Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock he arrived home.NOT UNTIL?在考什么 A. before B. that C. when D. until 海淀24. The Amazon valley is very important to the natural balance of the earth. Forty percent of the world’s oxygen _______ there. A. produces B. has produced C. is produced D. has been produced一直都在这里产生? 西城25. It’s nearly eight o’clock. I must hang up and get down to work. My boss ______________ be here at any moment. A. should B. must C. could D. would 可能在?理应在?怎么选 33. He has been receiving phone calls from journalists since he became famous. They ____________ to know what will become of his life in the future. A. have wanted B. are wanting C. want D. wanted 不会做 宣武27. —Have you finished your report? —Yes. I it within 10 minutes. A. finish B. have finished C. finished D. will finish明知道是个陷阱还是跳了,怎么做 老师帮我最后总结下错题的方面吧 看着五花八门的
解题思路: 见下
崇文26. The photographs of Ms. Kerry, she often makes her family members her subjects, are of great value.
A. for whom B. in which C. about which D. of whom
选B。这道题主要是介词的取决。介词主要是根据是否和定语从句中谓语动词构成固定搭配,或者根据先行词看意思取决介词。像这道题是根据先行词再看意思来决定的。整句话意思是:Ms.Kerry拍的照片很有价值,在照片中她经常把她的家庭成员作为拍摄对象。先行词是the photographs, 指物,放在介词后用which,再根据意思:在照片中所以用in which.另外句子中的subject是(照片的)拍摄对象的意思。所以这里选B。
朝阳27. The film A World Without Thieves a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinema.
A. was enjoyed B. enjoyed C. is enjoyed D. enjoys
28. Children, hold the bottle with your right hand. Tommy, you are not correct. Please use your
A. other B. the other C. another D. the another
选A。这道题做题关键在于这一空之前的your, 由于有your, 所以这里不能用the other,如果把your去掉, 就可以选the other了。
29. Don’t mention this matter to him while you with him this afternoon.选个ING的吧 还不对
A. will talk B. talk C. have talked D. will be talking
选B。这里是遵循再时间状语从句中用一般现在时表将来的语法原则。所以选B。这里的while相当于when.所以做题有时候要善于发现出题者的目的意图。而第四个答案是将来进行时态, 表示将来某时间正在做…的意思, 所以不对。
30. —Did Jack come back early last night?
—Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock he arrived home.NOT UNTIL?在考什么
A. before B. that C. when D. until
选C。这里不是not..until…句式结构, 这里it指时间, 选when引导时间状语从句,句子意思是:当他到家的时候还不到8点钟。
海淀24. The Amazon valley is very important to the natural balance of the earth. Forty percent of the world’s oxygen _______ there.
A. produces B. has produced C. is produced D. has been produced
选C。根据前面语境用的是is important…, 所以这一空也应该用一般现在时表示目前的情况就行,由于主语和produce成被动关系,所以选C。
西城25. It’s nearly eight o’clock. I must hang up and get down to work. My boss ______________ be here at any moment.
A. should B. must C. could D. would
选A。这里就是表示按道理应该的意思。而不是可能性。再例如:It’s so late.Our son should be back.
33. He has been receiving phone calls from journalists since he became famous. They ____________ to know what will become of his life in the future.
A. have wanted B. are wanting C. want D. wanted
选C。根据前面语境用的是has been receiving.., 所以这一空肯定是现在时态,排除D选项。在根据意思是指目前情况,所以选C, 用一般现在时。而want很少用于进行时态。
宣武27. —Have you finished your report?
—Yes. I it within 10 minutes.
A. finish B. have finished C. finished D. will finish
选C。我认为这道题选C使正确的。根据前面语境―――你写完报告了么?――写完了。我10分中内就写完了。所以这一空就是对过去事实的叙述, 所以用一般过去时态,选C。
总之做单选题一定要学会找出题者目的意图, 注意上下所给出的语境来选择正确答案。