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英语翻译1.谐音缩略法.即用一个或数个字母、数字的发音来代替单词的读音,有的 缩略语读音与原词读音相同,如:U(you你

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/26 22:01:42
1.谐音缩略法.即用一个或数个字母、数字的发音来代替单词的读音,有的 缩略语读音与原词读音相同,如:U(you你,你方),IC(I SEE我明白了);FL ITE(flight航班),等.有的 缩略语读音与原词读音相似但不相同.如:V=(we我方,我公司),OFA(offer报价,提供),3RU(t hrough通过),B2B(business to business企业对企业)等.2.截词缩略法.即通过截略原词的一部分来构成 缩略语.这种情况相当多见,是构成外贸 缩略语最常用方法.有的保留字首,去掉字尾来缩写,如COMM(commission佣金),INV(invoice发票),AS2AP(as soon as possible尽早),有的取单词的首尾字母,去掉其中间部分组成 缩略语.即去中间,留两头,如:AIRD(air mailed航空邮寄)FRT(freight货物),有的按照单词的发音辅音字母来缩写,即去掉元音字母,保留发音辅音字母,如:CFM(confirm确认),HTL(hotel宾馆),SMPL(sample样品);有的多音节的长字,加省略号来缩写,如:MDSE(merchan2dise货物,商品),IN TL(international国际的);有的有一部分 缩略语,由组成该语的第一个单词缩写加第二个整词构成,如:E-MAIL(electronic mail电子邮件),QUINK(quick-drying ink快干墨);还有的 缩略语是由组成该词的第一个单词的全部加后面单词的缩略形式构成的,如:COINS(co-insurance共同保险),IN/C(in charge负责).3.习惯缩略法.即有些词的缩写是根据长期形成的外贸习惯及商业惯例,实际上并不一定表示缩略了什么,如:NIL(nothing),A/C(account),D/A(document s against acceptance承兑押单).4.代号缩略法.即有些外贸用语,看似 缩略语,实际上是代号,如:C(medium中号,中型),Z(Greenwich mean time格林威治时,世界时),这类 缩略语在旅游 英语中也较常见.三、 缩略语的读音规则和书写规则 缩略语的读音一般分为“字母拼读法”和“单词拼读法”.按字母读音的 缩略语通常把主要重音放在最后一个字母上,并在第一个字母上加上次重音.如,(1)字母拼读法:IT[αi’ti:],MP[em’pi:],CBD[si:bi:’di:],U SA[ju:es’ei],U FO[ju:ef’эu],RSPCA[α:r es pi:si:’ei],等.(2)单词拼读法:即 缩略语的读音与单词相同,这种读法在首字母缩略词中较多见.如:SARS[sα:rs](Severe AcuteRespiratory Syndrome严重的急性呼吸综合症,俗称“非典”),APEC[’eipek](Asia-Pacific EconomicCooperation亚太经济合作会议),radar[’reidэ](ra2dio decting and ranging雷达),NA TO[’neitэu](Nort h Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织,北约),UNESCO[ju:’neskэu](United Na2tions Educational,Scientific and Cult ural Organiza2tion联合国教科文组织).需要注意的是,缩略语前面的冠词,其形式与读音取决于该 缩略语第一个字母的读音.如:the USA[ju:es’ei],the FBI[ef bi:’ai],a CEO[si i:’эu],the CIA[si:ai’ei].就书写规则而言,用大写字母的时候居多,有时也使用小写字母.缩略语的书写也需遵循 英语的语法:一切代表专用名词的字母用大写,代表普通名词的字母用小写.首字母 缩略语一般使用大写,特别是组织机构的名称,如:BBC,WTO,UN,IT,IP等这类 缩略语字母间可加点,如B.B.C.,U.N.,但省略点的情况已经非常普及,各类 缩略语辞书也有省去点的倾向.有时大写字母夹带小写字母和首字母 缩略语,后加缩写圆点,小写的字母往往是介词,如:(.)
英语翻译1.谐音缩略法.即用一个或数个字母、数字的发音来代替单词的读音,有的 缩略语读音与原词读音相同,如:U(you你
1. Homophonic abbreviated method. Which uses one or more letters, numbers, instead of the pronunciation of the word pronunciation, and some abbreviations pronounced the same pronunciation as the original word, such as: U (you you you), IC (I SEE I understand); FL ITE (flight flights), and so on. Some abbreviations with the original pronunciation of the word pronunciation similar but not identical. Such as: V = (we we, I), OFA (offer quotes, to provide), 3RU (t hrough through), B2B (business to business business to business) and so on. 2. Truncation abbreviated method. Through cut slightly to form part of the original word abbreviations. This situation is quite common, constitutes the most common method of foreign abbreviations. Some reservations prefix, suffix to remove the abbreviation, such as the COMM (commission commission), INV (invoice receipt), AS2AP (as soon as possible as soon as possible), and some take the word of the sum of the letters, remove the parts of which reduce inter- abbreviations. That is to the middle, leaving both ends, such as: AIRD (air mailed by air mail) FRT (freight cargo), and some consonants in accordance to the pronunciation of the word abbreviation, ie remove the vowels, consonants pronunciation retained, such as: CFM (confirm confirmed), HTL (hotel guest), SMPL (sample sample); some long multi-syllable word, add an ellipsis to abbreviations, such as: MDSE (merchan2dise goods, merchandise), IN TL (international international); some part abbreviations, the form of the language abbreviation of the first word plus a second whole-word form, such as: E-MAIL (electronic mail e-mail), QUINK (quick-drying ink drying ink); there is an abbreviation composition of the term plus the first word after all the contraction of the word form, such as: COINS (co-insurance co-insurance), IN / C (in charge is responsible). 3. Customary abbreviations of law. Abbreviation of the word is that some form of foreign trade under long-term habits and business practices, in fact, does not necessarily mean anything abbreviated, such as: NIL (nothing), A / C (account), D / A (document s against acceptance Cheng against the charge sheet). 4. Code abbreviated method. That some foreign words, acronyms seem, in fact, code, such as: C (medium medium, medium), Z (Greenwich mean time Greenwich Mean Time, Universal Time), such abbreviations are more English in Tourism common. Third, the pronunciation rules of abbreviations and acronyms written rules of pronunciation are generally divided into "phonics" and "spell the word law." Abbreviations in alphabetical pronunciation is usually the main accent on the last letters on, and on the first letter with the secondary accent. For example, (1) phonics: IT [αi'ti:], MP [em'pi:], CBD [si: bi: 'di:], U SA [ju: es'ei], U FO [ ju: ef'эu], RSPCA [α: r es pi: si: 'ei], and so on. (2) spell the word law: that is the pronunciation of acronyms and words the same pronunciation in this acronym in the more common. Such as: SARS [sα: rs] (Severe AcuteRespiratory Syndrome severe acute respiratory syndrome, commonly known as "SARS"), APEC ['eipek] (Asia-Pacific EconomicCooperation Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), radar [' reidэ] (ra2dio decting and ranging radar), NA TO ['neitэu] (Nort h Atlantic Treaty Organization North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO), UNESCO [ju:' neskэu] (United Na2tions Educational, Scientific and Cult ural Organiza2tion UNESCO). Note that the abbreviations in front of the article, depending on their form and pronunciation of the first letter of the acronym pronunciation. Such as: the USA [ju: es'ei], the FBI [ef bi: 'ai], a CEO [si i:' эu], the CIA [si: ai'ei]. Writing rules for speaking, when the majority of capital letters, lowercase letters are sometimes used. Abbreviations also need to follow the writing of English grammar: Terms on behalf of all uppercase letters represent the letters in lowercase common nouns. Uppercase acronyms commonly used, especially in the name of the organization, such as: BBC, WTO, UN, IT, IP and other such abbreviations can add points between letters, such as the BBC, UN, but omit the spots have been very popular, Abbreviations Dictionary also eliminates the need for various types of point of orientation. Entrainment sometimes lowercase and uppercase letters acronyms, abbreviations, add dot, lowercase letters are often a preposition, such as :(.)