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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/29 10:21:19
模块六第一单元From Welcome to the Unite to Grammar1.make fun of 开…玩笑、作弄… play jokes on sb/ play tricks on sb 同上 2.tell/ make jokes about 开…的笑话 3.in response to 对…的反应 in reply to 回复 respond to/ react to 对…反应 4.in everyday life/ in daily life 日常生活 5.queue up in lines 排队等候 queue up for …/ to do sth 排队等候… line up/ be lined up (使)排队、排队 stand/ wait in line 排队等候 6.point to … 指向、指着…(远指) point at st/sth 指着…(近指) point out sth 指出(错误等) from my point of view 在我看来 to the point 切题 (be) on the point of doing sth when … 正要… 7.lose weight 减肥 put on weight/ gain weight 发福、增肥 8.use …as …/ be used as … 把…用着…、被用着 be used to doing sth 习惯于… 9.do an impression of … 对…印象模仿 make an impression on sb 给…留下印象 be impressed by … 对…印象深刻 impress sb with sth 让某人记住… impress on sb sth 同上 10.be broadcast live on TV 被现场直播 11.have an outstanding ability to improvise 有即兴表演的杰出能力 12.be good at …/ do well in 擅长、在…方面表现好 13.turn on the microphone 打开麦克风 turn down one’s help 拒绝某人帮助 turn up 出现 14.it is appropriate that … …是适合的 be appropriate for sth/sb 对…是合适的 15.make up a new joke 编一个新的笑话 make up 30% 占30% be made up of/ consist of 由…组成 make up for the lost time 弥补失去的时间 16.howl with laughter 大笑着叫起来 17.amuse sb/ oneself 使某人高兴 be amused by 被…逗乐 keep sb amused 使某人高兴 to one’s amusement 令某人高兴的是 18.follow in the footsteps of sb 跟随某人的脚步 19.live to be 100 years old 活到一百岁 20.have (an) effect on 对…有影响 have an influence on 同上 have an impact on 同上 21.whatever the reason (is)/ no matter what the reason is 不管什么原因 22.after all/ above all 终究、毕竟;更为重要的是 23.look up … in a dictionary 查阅字典 refer to a dictionary for sth 同上 24.make sense 有道理 make sense of 理解 25.praise sb for sth 因…表扬… in praise of … 为了表扬… 26.soon after 不久以后 27.put/ make an advertisement for sth 为…做广告 28.in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代 29.be supposed to do sth 理应做… 30.be famous for … /as … 因…、作为…出名 From Word Power to Task31.give sb instructions about … 给…指令、指导 32.(be) in charge (of) (对…)负责 (be) in the charge of sb 由某人负责 take charge of … 掌管、负责 charge sb some money for sth 因…向…索要… charge sb with sth 控诉某人… 33.be divided into … 被分成…(整体分成若干) be separated from … …和…是分开的(有距离) 34.at one time 曾经、一度 at a time 一次 in no time 立即、马上 at no time 决不 in time 及时、迟早 35.in the most believable way 以最令人信服的方式 36.be ready to do sth/ be ready for sth 准备好… 37.make a list of 列一个清单 38.be dressed in … 穿着…(衣服) 39.at least; at most 至少、至多 40.go on stage 上舞台 41.make sure that … 确保 make sure of … 对…很确信 be sure to do sth 一定会… 42.laugh one’s head off 笑得很厉害 (luck) smile on sb (运气) 钟情于、眷顾… 43.make progress (in sth) 在…(方面)取得进步 (be) in progress 在进行中、在进展中 44.be enthusiastic about … 对…有热情 be full of enthusiasm about … 对…充满激情 with enthusiasm 热情地 45.be tough on/ with sb 对…严格 be strict with sb 同上 be hard on sb 同上 46.it is worthwhile to do sth/doing sth 做…是值得的 be worth doing sth 值得做… be worthy of being done 同上