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英语翻译①If the value of a survey is determined by the degree to

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 14:12:08
①If the value of a survey is determined by the degree to which it makes previous work in the field obsolete,then this special issue will be a landmark in the pragmatics of humor.
②No future work on the pragmatics and sociolinguistics of humor will be able to ignore the work presented in this Special Issue.
③ It is to be hoped that,besides setting a high standard for future research,this issue will also inspire scholars that would have otherwise not felt comfortable in tackling research in humor,to address this field of investigation,so central to our understanding of human communication.
④Incidentally,this argument is no straw man:consider,for example,the following
characterization of the incongruity theories of humor (to which,generally speaking,
the SSTH belongs) in a recent neo-behaviorist book on laughter (Provine,2000:15):
“Our success at incongruity detection is celebrated with laughter’’.
⑤Provine is not arguing that informal attempts at humor are responsible for laughter,
英语翻译①If the value of a survey is determined by the degree to
再问: 还有2句没译完哈~~~
再答: 1.如果说一个调查使前人在该领域的研究显得越过时,那么这个调查就越有价值的话,那么本文便足以被称为幽默语用学中的开宗之作了。 2.以后任何有关幽默的语用学以及社会语言学的研究都需要以本文中的研究成果为参照。 3.我们希望,除了为将来相关领域的研究制定一个高标准之外,本文也能够给研究幽默学的学者们以灵感,使他们不再为参考资料的不足而为难,从而能够完成对幽默领域的探索,以使我们可以更好的了解人类交流中的那些秘密。 4.顺便说一下,本文的论点并非华而不实的空洞理论,请看,新行为主义者普罗文在他最近出的一本关于笑的书中写到:我们在觉察到实际情况与料想情况有别之后便会发笑。这句话属于书中对于幽默研究中“相异理论”(一般来说SSTH就属于这个理论范畴)的描写。 5.这里普罗文并不是说随便制造的幽默和使人发笑有必然联系。