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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/27 19:43:53
Bears the thick white fur and fat layer is enough to make it against the cold of the arctic. The animals around the arctic snow and ice floe hunting. The polar bear is a swimmer, is also a kind of be fond of of predators. Due to it is home with ice, ice will be floating at any time, so will the polar bear to a faraway place. Near the North Pole of the five countries that the United States (Alaska), Canada, Denmark, Norway and Russia can be found on the coast and the islands of the arctic polar bear activity. Polar bears are the only animals still living in primitive habitat. There are about 20000 estimated the number of polar bears in the wild. 再答: 北极熊厚厚的白色的皮毛和脂肪层足以使它对北极的寒冷。北极积雪和冰川周围的动物狩猎。北极熊是一个游泳运动员,也是一种捕食者的喜好。由于它是冰,冰会浮在任何时候,所以将北极熊一个遥远的地方。在北极附近的五个国家,美国(阿拉斯加),加拿大、丹麦、挪威和俄罗斯的海岸和岛屿上可以找到北极的北极熊的活动。北极熊是唯一仍然生活在原始动物的栖息地。估计大约有20000个野生北极熊的数量。
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