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英语翻译Sam is a dog who lives in Maryland,the US.But he's also

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 04:36:52
Sam is a dog who lives in Maryland,the US.But he's also a painter.And some of his paintings have sold for $ 1700.
Sam holds a special paintbrush in his mouth to paint.Mary Stadelhacher,Sam's owner,said Sam loves
painting and can do it for hours." He loves to work in different colors.He paints his paintings with darker colors first and then moves
onto lighter ones," she said.
Mary,the owner of a dog service center,took in 6-year-old Sam four years ago.She came up with the
idea of teaching Sam to paint after seeing reports about animal painters." I saw dolphins paint and elephants paint.So I thought,why not a
dog?" Now the money from the dog's art sales helps to keep the dog service center open.
"Sam's paintings have been on show at New York galleriesPeople have come from far away just to buy his work.," Mary said.
"We even had one woman buy her dog one of Sam's paintings as a birthday present."
英语翻译Sam is a dog who lives in Maryland,the US.But he's also
sam是条住在美国Maryland的狗.然而他也是个画师. 而且他的一些作品以1700美元的价格出售了(相当人民币一万多,在万恶的米国也很贵了)
sam嘴里叼着一个特制的笔刷来画画. mary S.—— sam的主人,说:“sam 热爱绘画,而且可以画上好几个小时. 他喜欢用不同的颜色来创作. 他画画的时候喜欢先用深色,之后转而使用亮丽的色彩.
mary是一个狗狗救助站的主人,在4年前接纳了当时6岁大的sam.她在看到动物画画的报道之后,突发奇想教sam画画.”我看到海豚画画,大象也画画.所以我想,狗为啥不行呢?“ 现在.狗的画作换来的资金帮助这个救助站维持运转.
”Sam的画被纽约的画廊展出了.人们远道而来,就为了买他一幅画.“Mary 说,”甚至我们遇到个女的买走一副Sam的画,给她自己的狗当做生日礼物.“
完.这英语写的真烂= =