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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/20 16:56:11
In short, there are many ways to learn English, but for their own is the best. As long as found the method that suits oneself, you will find that, oh, I learn English so simple.
再问: 无论你是帅哥还是美女。。。还有。。。我重新补充的
再答: As an international language, English can make us more convenient communication with others. Of course, for the current us, we learn English the main goal is to the university entrance exam. Therefore, how to learn English, how to learn English well times become our common topic. Talk about how to learn English, everyone has their own opinion. For example to listen to English songs, watch English movies, read English newspapers, and so on, but how many people really do these? Perhaps you will say: I did, but why my English or bad? Then will you please think it over, you when listening to music is remember only songs melody? Watching the film is just remember the movie? Read the newspaper remember pictures than text instead of a more profound? And those words and grammar are waiting for you remember? For most people, the answer is no. So, choose some appropriate methods are the most important. Different methods for different people have different effect is. Let a lazy man learn by rote, the effect will be better than those who work hard many poor, I is one example. Of course, the method must be flexible and diversified. One way to learn is boring, you can use other ways, so that you won't feel bored. To me, the most effective way is to connect up, never isolated. Memory English to combine the context, not to isolate remember the words and phrases, grasp the meanings of the words. This way can make memory not be chaos.
英语翻译作为一门国际语言,英语可以让我们更方便与他人交流。当然,对于现阶段的我们而言,我们学习英语最主要的目的还是为了高 利用这项技术我们可以更方便的交流这句话用英语怎么翻译 英语翻译大家都知道,现在英语已经成为国际语言,很多国家都在用英语交流学习,这就是我们为什么要学英语的理由.不但如此,学会 “通过学习,我们不仅可以提高我们的综合素质,而且可以让我们的生活更丰富多彩”用英语翻译 英语翻译众所周知,2008年北京将举办奥运会。英语作为一种国际语言,将会在交流中起着重要作用。作为一名学生,我们应抓住现 高一英语作文在日常生活中,除了词汇之外,我们还可以用肢体语言来表达我们的思想与别人交流,根据提示,写一篇150字的短文1 英语翻译学习英语让我觉得好快乐,因为全世界都有着共同的语言,我们的沟通变得更加容易,世界就像一家人,英语让我们的心更靠近 英语翻译翻译是人类跨语言文化的交流的活动,我们学外语的目的就是为了能够翻译,因此,翻译在英语中充当了很重要的角色. 求英语翻译(高一)学好英语可使我们更好地向国外学习先进经验,可以更快更好地学习现代科学技术 1、对我们来说学好英语是很重要的.2、英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言.3、英语也被作为一门国际语言来使用.4、全世界有四亿 用英语:电脑可以使我们的生活变得更方便,怎么翻译 学习地理是为了让我们更好地生活.下列哪个选项不属于我们学习地理的目的(  )