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英文问题-检查语病Now there is a customer who wants to add a new appl

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 20:39:47
Now there is a customer who wants to add a new application onto A mode of machine,they would like to force a strength onto the ASS mode for a period of time till the product is damaged,just like fatigue test,and they also want to record the whole time needed from test start to product damaged in software.It will be much better if you can apply the function onto other modules.Pls kindly advise.
至于乐界の礻申忄光 提出的问题,说...damaged in software 这句原话的意思是在软件里记录从测试开始到产品损坏所需的时间
英文问题-检查语病Now there is a customer who wants to add a new appl
Now we get a customer here who wants to add a new application to A mode of the machine.(因为是now所以用here.我理解你的英文原文的意思是这个customer要在机器的A模式里加一个新功能.如果我理解错了,那么还请你把中文你到底要说啥发上来.)
They want us to keep applying force when the machine is in ASS mode until it's damaged,record down the time to failure- quite similar to fatigue test.
这里我的理解是,你的customer想让你们向处于ASS模式的机器上施加压力直道它损坏,然后看它能坚持多长时间.但是我对你的原文不理解的地方有两点.一,你用的force strenth这个词,我理解为向它施加压力,但不知是何种压力,物理上的还是什么其它的?二,你后面说damaged in software,如果是物理上的压力的话,怎么会造成软件损坏呢?我认为软件是不会损坏的,只能是硬件损坏.十分不理解软件会损坏.软件是代码阿,存在硬盘、内存里,怎么会损坏?难道你们做的是对存储元件的测试?
It would be much better if you can apply the function to other modules.Pls kindly advise.
哦,这样啊,那你不能把in software写在动词damaged之后,这么写英语里就会理解为是这个动词发生在software上,尤其这里是损坏之意,这么写就是软件损坏的意思了.
如果你要写用软件,那么你可以这么写:They want us to keep applying force when the machine is in ASS mode until it's broken down,record down the time to failure using a software approach- quite similar to fatigue test.
我把damaged改为了broken down,如果你这儿的damage不是专业术语,只是想说损坏,那么用broken down更好.然后我在time to failure后面加了using a software approach,用软件的方法.这么说更符合英语习惯,也是我在论文中看到过的说法.