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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/06 01:23:14
The late King of Denmark died suddenly while the prince Hamlet was away from home at a foreign University. When Hamlet came back, he attended the wedding of his mother and his uncle Claudius instead of father's funeral . One night , his father's ghost appeared and told Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius. So Hamlet made up his mind to avenge[报仇] his father , and he decided to pretend that he had gone mad in order to have a better chance to kill Claudius['kl?:di?s]. He started to estrange[is'treind?][使疏远] himself from his friends , including his lover Ophelia[?u'fi:li?]. Hamlet invited a company of traveling performers to play the scene of his father's murder to test Claudius's reaction. Then Claudius figured out his real motivation[动机], and sent him to England . At the same time , Claudius sent a letter to the king of England and asked him to kill Hamlet. But on the way to England , their ship was attacked by pirates['pai?rits][海盗], and Hamlet was returned to Denmark. When Hamlet returned home , he learned of Ophelia's death. Ophelia's brother Laertes[lei'?tiz] requested to fight with Hamlet. Claudius arranged a fencing ['fensi?][击剑] match for them . And he attempted to let Laertes kill Hamlet with a poisoned['p??znd][有毒的] sword [s?:d][剑]. In the match, Hamlet was hit with the poisoned sword. Laertes was also wounded['wu:ndid] badly. The Queen drank the poisoned wine [wain] for Hamlet and warned Hamlet that the drink was poisoned. And Laertes also told the whole truth to Hamlet before he died. In the end , Hamlet killed Claudius, at last avenging[报仇]his father's death. Then Hamlet died as well.