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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/29 02:56:19
How long can the earth exist?This is a problem that can't get the answer.However, it is also worth a let people ponder question.We live the earth, is 4.54 billion years old.This is a very short time for the universe, but for humans is astronomical.So, the earth and for how long?Everyone knows that the earth can't be destroyed in the near future, but everyone also know that the earth's life in the fast.There is only one reason of pollution.
Humans today do is damage to the earth.Humans like to feed chicks, binge for the all of the earth.A large number of mining non-renewable resources, such as oil, coal mine.Atmospheric pollution and the destruction of the ozone layer, raise the temperature of the north and south poles.White pollution, the large amount of consumption and use of plastic bags.Human see the abundant resources on the earth, and wisdom will these resources to an extreme.But don't realize that they have done, only to accelerate the speed of the destruction of earth.
Oil, it is now the most popular industry.Every year in the Middle East only sell oil can get hundreds of billions of dollars in profits, more world-class rich, are also oil traders.And also for national petroleum resources seriously.The United States, such as China has its own oil field in the Middle East.And also have been buying oil field.On the surface, the oil to national economic development is extremely beneficial.Each country is also think so.But, no one know the exploitation of oil on the earth itself is a huge disaster.Oil is like the blood of the earth has a important role on the earth.Excessive exploitation of oil, like a person be drained the blood.The earth began to appear.Because internal become riddled with holes, the underground water level began to drop, which directly threaten the survival of biological.Because it directly lead to the decline of the ground surface collapse.Will become a desert or severe water shortages in some areas.
Like oil do great harm to the earth, and the white pollution, plastic bags.According to the statistics, the American people can consume one hundred billion plastic bags a year.This is unimaginable large Numbers.However, it is a fact.In Los Angeles, using 600 plastic bags per year on average per person, discarded plastic bags each year up to 45000 tons.But only a few are recycled.And be thrown away plastic bags not only can clog sewers, environmental pollution, and serious damage to the soil, led to the deaths of vegetation of large area.Every year daunting by the administrative departments of financial and human resources they deal with these white rubbish.
The waste paper also became a killer in advance the end of the earth.Now, the United States is the largest country in the amount of wood cut down in the world.In the 20th century, however, the United States has been "run out of wood" panic.It has even been announced at the time: the forest will be after ten years in all cut out.Nowadays, a newspaper to cut pine tree.200000 tons of cardboard boxes, cutting down 800000 cubic meters of wood, is equivalent to cut a slice of fresh oxygen for human vast forest!And the destruction of forests, have obvious consequences in China.Soil and water loss, bad weather, the temperature tends to normalization.Many mountains because of the destruction of the vegetation, people for a lifetime only two bath.Some areas can only live after the rain in the sky.
All human being conscious that they do have a what kind of impact on the earth.Maybe it's because human is too small, and the earth is too big.May be thought that the earth changes slowly, let people notice.All reason, however, more can't support human did not damage the earth this view.Human right from the start of a decision that the development of every country, every the success of scientific research, is digging underneath the earth's energy.This is not a mistake.Human existence on earth, also can only rely on the power of the earth.However, human beings should not be excessive.In the 21st century today, the world is the pollution of the environment on the agenda, also began to slowly pay attention to the health of the planet.This is a good progress, is one of us to make an atonement for his behavior.But it's not enough, we should correctly understand our life, the country's development of right relationship with environmental pollution.In China, I once heard someone say this: "a country's development will inevitably affect the environment of the country, it is an inevitable result."Well, the idea itself is not wrong.However, this opinion is should not be have been put forward as an excuse for humans damage the earth.
其实你可以用有道 有道还是可以的 稍加润色即可 你文章这么长 要求这么高 没钱 谁会那么蛋疼帮你译,世上没有免费的午餐.
英语翻译地球还能存在多久?这是一个无法得到答案的问题.但是,它同时也是一个值得让人们深思的问题.我们生活的地球,已经45 英语翻译一个令人深思的问题 地球还有多久寿命虽然我们连地球的零头都活不了,但是我们在这样破坏下去,地球还能坚持多久,我们人类的到来让地球缩短了多久的 我们的地球还能支撑多久? 人类只有一个地球,它是我们生活的家园.保护地球、爱护环境是我们每个地球人的职责,也是保护我们自己.下列有关环境问题的叙述 目前,人们越来越关注环境问题.世界上只有一个地球,优良的环境是人们能健康成长的前提.英文翻译 所谓的磁场是什么?人们生活在这个地球上,我们都知道地球是一个很大的磁场但是磁场是怎么产生的,也就是它的由来? 英语翻译中国环境保护徽是中国环境保护的标志,象征地球,说明地球只有一个,这是我们全人类赖以生存的大环境,人们要共同保护它 问一个地球的问题 我从小就不清楚 已经知道地球是圆的 那么可能有一部分人是头朝下生活的 英语翻译年仅十岁的 就如此的悲天悯人,如此的成熟,作为一名20岁的大学生,为何还不如一个小孩子?这值得我们深思是 年仅十 如何能让地球毁灭?不想活了,想把地球人都拉着垫背!这是一个很严肃的问题,希望大家回答时要严肃对待! 《人类能在地球上生活多久》的结尾指出,真正值得忧虑的,是人能否控制人类自身!