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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/26 07:45:36
The Jersey colonies began their legal development toward separate entities in 1664, when Charles granted his brother. Duke of York, the territory encompassing New York and New Jersey. In a few months James had arranged to convey the New Jersey portion of the grant to two friends, Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, "in as full and ample manner as the same is granted to the Duke of York."18 For several decades the meaning of this phrase was not clear, and it clouded the legal development of New Jersey. Meanwhile, Berkeley and Carteret published Concessions and Agreements in an effort to attract settlers, the document being similar to that used by the Carolina settlers. It contained the same clause used in Carolina and Rhode Island on liberty of conscience.19 As if aware that the title to the terFtory was in question, the propr@tors included an ad4-tional provision: That no pretense may be taken by our heirs or assigns for or by reason of our right of patronage and power of advouson, granted by his majesty's Letter's Patents, unto his Royal Highness James Duke of York, and by his Royal Highness unto us, thereby to
infringe the general clause of liberty of conscience, aforementioned. .
1664年,查尔斯将包括纽约和新泽西的领地分封给他的弟弟约克公爵(Duke of York,即詹姆士二世,查理二世之弟,继位前为约克公爵,也就是下文的James),从此泽西殖民地开始朝着独立实体的方向合法发展.在几个月内,詹姆士着手将封地中的新泽西转让给他的两个朋友,约翰•柏克利勋爵(Lord John Berkeley)和乔治•卡特莱特爵士(Sir George Carteret),这次转让属于“全权转让,和约克公爵获得该封地的方式一样”18.几十年后,这段话的意思变得模糊不清,使新泽西州的合法发展蒙上了一层阴影.同时,柏克利和卡特莱特发布了《特许权协议》(Concessions and Agreements),旨在招揽移民前来定居,该文件与卡罗莱纳的文件相类似.在信教自由方面,该文件的条款与卡罗莱纳和罗德岛完全相同19.领主们似乎是意识到自己领地的产权可能有问题,因此又在文件中增加了额外的条款:凡吾等之继承人或受让人,皆不得藉吾王陛下赐予詹姆士约克公爵殿下,俟由公爵殿下授予吾等之保护权及推荐权,以侵犯上述信教自由.