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Dr.Heidegger's Experiment的中文译文有吗?

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Dr.Heidegger's Experiment的中文译文有吗?
这篇文章的中文名叫:海德哥医生的试验.霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)写的
Dr.Heidegger's Experiment的中文译文有吗?
呵呵 看了一下原文 有些地方挺难的 给你电脑翻译的吧 不好意思
这名男子很奇,老医师海德格尔曾邀请四位老朋友见面,在他的研究报告. There were three white-bearded gentlemen, Mr. Medbourne, Colonel Killigrew, and Mr. Gascoigne, and a withered gentlewoman, whose name was the Widow Wycherly.有三个白胡子们,先生medbourne上校killigrew、加士居先生、死苗风度寡妇wycherly名字. They were all melancholy old creatures, who had been unfortunate in life, and whose greatest misfortune it was that they were not long ago in their graves.他们都老众生愁苦,曾不幸人生而其最大的不幸,他们是前不久在坟墓. Mr. Medbourne, in the vigor of his age, had been a prosperous merchant, but had lost his all by a frantic speculation, and was now little better than a mendicant.盖medbourne,活力的年龄,已经富裕商人但已失去了一切,他疯狂炒作,现在则是聊胜于乞讨. Colonel Killigrew had wasted his best years, and his health and substance, in the pursuit of sinful pleasures, which had given birth to a brood of pains, such as the gout, and divers other torments of soul and body.上校killigrew浪费自己最好的几年,他的健康和物质的追求罪恶享乐,它生下了育雏的阵痛,如痛风、潜水员和其他煎熬灵魂和身体. Mr. Gascoigne was a ruined politician, a man of evil fame, or at least had been so till time had buried him from the knowledge of the present generation, and made him obscure instead of infamous.加士居先生是一个政客破坏,一个男人邪恶名利或者至少已经让他到现在已经埋葬了一代人的知识,他反而模糊了臭名昭著. As for the Widow Wycherly, tradition tells us that she was a great beauty in her day; but, for a long while past, she had lived in deep seclusion, on account of certain scandalous stories which had prejudiced the gentry of the town against her.至于寡妇wycherly,传统告诉我们,她是一个伟大的一天,她美丽;但是,虽然过去很长,她住在深隐逸,故事因丑闻而受损的某些绅士对她的镇. It is a circumstance worth mentioning that each of these three old gentlemen, Mr. Medbourne, Colonel Killigrew, and Mr. Gascoigne, were early lovers of the Widow Wycherly, and had once been on the point of cutting each other's throats for her sake.值得一提的是,每一个情节,这三部老们,先生medbourne上校killigrew,加士居先生,早期的遗孀wycherly情侣,而曾经在切割点对方为了她的喉咙. And, before proceeding further, I will merely hint that Dr. Heidegger and all his foul guests were sometimes thought to be a little beside themselves,--as is not unfrequently the case with old people, when worried either by present troubles or woful recollections.并进一步决定之前,我只是暗示他犯规博士和所有来宾海德格尔有时以为自己做个小旁边,--并非如此unfrequently老人当麻烦或担心目前已由woful追忆.
"My dear old friends," said Dr. Heidegger, motioning them to be seated, "I am desirous of your assistance in one of those little experiments with which I amuse myself here in my study.""我亲爱的老朋友,"海德格博士说,他们坐下运动过程,"我希望你们协助一个小小实验,我在这里逗自己书房"
If all stories were true, Dr. Heidegger's study must have been a very curious place.如果所有的故事属实,海德格博士的研究一定很好奇. It was a dim, old-fashioned chamber, festooned with cobwebs, and besprinkled with antique dust.它是黯淡,陈旧厅,挂满了蛛网、灰尘besprinkled与古董. Around the walls stood several oaken bookcases, the lower shelves of which were filled with rows of gigantic folios and black-letter quartos, and the upper with little parchment-covered duodecimos.周围墙壁站立几个oaken书柜、其中低层货架充满巨大美术陈列馆、黑函quartos,而羊皮纸上很少复盖duodecimos. Over the central bookcase was a bronze bust of Hippocrates, with which, according to some authorities, Dr. Heidegger was accustomed to hold consultations in all difficult cases of his practice.过去中央书橱是青铜雅戈希波克拉底而据一些机关、海德格博士是习惯于在各个疑难案件进行磋商这种做法. In the obscurest corner of the room stood a tall and narrow oaken closet, with its door ajar, within which doubtfully appeared a skeleton.obscurest在房间角落站立着高高窄oaken立柜,其开门、doubtfully内出现一具骸骨. Between two of the bookcases hung a looking-glass, presenting its high and dusty plate within a tarnished gilt frame.两人之间的书柜找一红玻璃,并呈现高尘土玷污镀金钢板内框. Among many wonderful stories related of this mirror, it was fabled that the spirits of all the doctor's deceased patients dwelt within its verge, and would stare him in the face whenever he looked thitherward.其中许多精彩的故事与此镜据名不符实,神所有大夫畅谈其濒临死亡的病人,而每当他的脸会盯他显得thitherward. The opposite side of the chamber was ornamented with the full-length portrait of a young lady, arrayed in the faded magnificence of silk, satin, and brocade, and with a visage as faded as her dress.对面庭装饰全长画像一名小姐,排列在气势丝绸褪色、缎、织锦、淡化她作为一个外表打扮. Above half a century ago, Dr. Heidegger had been on the point of marriage with this young lady; but, being affected with some slight disorder, she had swallowed one of her lover's prescriptions, and died on the bridal evening.半个世纪以上博士点海德格尔曾就与这位小姐结婚;但是,一些受影响略有紊乱,她已吞下一个情夫的药方,傍晚时分的婚纱. The greatest curiosity of the study remains to be mentioned; it was a ponderous folio volume, bound in black leather, with massive silver clasps.最好奇的研究仍有待提;这是一个体积笨重传送、必黑色皮革,大量白银勋. There were no letters on the back, and nobody could tell the title of the book.有没有信就回,没有人可以告诉书名. But it was well known to be a book of magic; and once, when a chambermaid had lifted it, merely to brush away the dust, the skeleton had rattled in its closet, the picture of the young lady had stepped one foot upon the floor, and several ghastly faces had peeped forth from the mirror; while the brazen head of Hippocrates frowned, and said,--"Forbear!"但它是一个著名的魔法书;而一旦当女服务员已经解除,只是拂灰尘、骨骼都难不倒它立柜,满含小姐一只脚已加经楼有几个面孔核对出阴森的镜子;而无耻希波克拉底皱了眉头,说:--"忍"!
Such was Dr. Heidegger's study.这些博士是海德格尔研究. On the summer afternoon of our tale a small round table, as black as ebony, stood in the centre of the room, sustaining a cut-glass vase of beautiful form and elaborate workmanship.夏天的故事>下午小圆桌,黑如乌木,站立在房间的中心,身受禁玻璃花瓶中的美丽手工细致. The sunshine came through the window, between the heavy festoons of two faded damask curtains, and fell directly across this vase; so that a mild splendor was reflected from it on the ashen visages of the five old people who sat around.来到阳光透过窗户,两褪之间沉重热闹绫窗帘、90年代直接跨越这瓶;以一种温和的辉煌是从它的五个龇牙咧嘴铁青坐在老人左右. Four champagne glasses were also on the table.四个香槟杯也放在桌上.
"My dear old friends," repeated Dr. Heidegger, "may I reckon on your aid in performing an exceedingly curious experiment?""我亲爱的老朋友,"海德格尔一再博士,"可我知道你的表演非常好奇援助试点"?
Now Dr. Heidegger was a very strange old gentleman, whose eccentricity had become the nucleus for a thousand fantastic stories.现在是一个很奇怪博士海德格尔老先生,其偏心率为核心已成为1000神奇故事. Some of these fables, to my shame be it spoken, might possibly be traced back to my own veracious self; and if any passages of the present tale should startle the reader's faith, I must be content to bear the stigma of a fiction monger.其中有些寓言,它是我的耻辱发言可能源于自己自身持平;而如果要打通本故事横生读者的信念,我必须背负了内容小说战争贩子.
When the doctor's four guests heard him talk of his proposed experiment, they anticipated nothing more wonderful than the murder of a mouse in an air pump, or the examination of a cobweb by the microscope, or some similar nonsense, with which he was constantly in the habit of pestering his intimates.当医生的四个客人听到他说起他的提议试点他们预计比什么更美妙谋杀鼠标空气泵还是一名蛛网的显微镜检查,或有些类似乱讲同他拉着他的习惯,不断暗示. But without waiting for a reply, Dr. Heidegger hobbled across the chamber, and returned with the same ponderous folio, bound in black leather, which common report affirmed to be a book of magic.但等候答复博士海德格尔难以为继全国商会、传送回以同样笨重、黑色皮革行,这肯定是共同的报告书魔术. Undoing the silver clasps, he opened the volume, and took from among its black-letter pages a rose, or what was once a rose, though now the green leaves and crimson petals had assumed one brownish hue, and the ancient flower seemed ready to crumble to dust in the doctor's hands.解开银扣,他打开了体积,并从其黑玫瑰信页,或者曾经一度是玫瑰,虽然现在已经绿叶、绛红花瓣摆出一个棕色色调,花卉、古似乎准备以彻底瓦解尘大夫的手.
"This rose," said Dr. Heidegger, with a sigh, "this same withered and crumbling flower, blossomed five and fifty years ago."玫瑰"博士海德格尔,叹道:"这花朵一样枯萎、崩溃,而50年前的5前贤. It was given me by Sylvia Ward, whose portrait hangs yonder; and I meant to wear it in my bosom at our wedding.它给我的希尔维亚病房,其画像挂那边;我的意思是在我的怀抱我们穿婚纱. Five and fifty years it has been treasured between the leaves of this old volume.5、50年间一直珍惜这个旧叶子数量. Now, would you deem it possible that this rose of half a century could ever bloom again?"现在,你认为有可能上升,这半个世纪所能花开了吗?"
"Nonsense!""胡说"! said the Widow Wycherly, with a peevish toss of her head.wycherly遗孀说,她的头丢了peevish. "You might as well ask whether an old woman's wrinkled face could ever bloom again.""你不如问老妪皱纹的脸又可以不断开花"
"See!""见"! answered Dr. Heidegger.海德格尔回答博士.
He uncovered the vase, and threw the faded rose into the water which it contained.他发现花瓶、撒褪色的玫瑰它载到水中. At first, it lay lightly on the surface of the fluid, appearing to imbibe none of its moisture.起初,它的表面轻轻打流,呈现其本体没有水分. Soon, however, a singular change began to be visible.很快,然而,始可看见奇异变化. The crushed and dried petals stirred, and assumed a deepening tinge of crimson, as if the flower were reviving from a deathlike slumber; the slender stalk and twigs of foliage became green; and there was the rose of half a century, looking as fresh as when Sylvia Ward had first given it to her lover.