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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/27 12:36:58
就是那页的“Early Years ”和“Frist office"这两大段帮忙翻译完了就行,翻译完了追加赏分(当然,比我自己翻译的还差就别太好了,我主要是追求一特地道的翻译)
Clifford Brooks Stevens was born on June 7, 1911, in Milwaukee.布鲁克斯的Clifford史蒂文斯生于1911年6月7日,在威斯康辛州. He was from the first a person who liked to design and build, and fortunately for the history of industrial design, he never stopped.他是来自首的人,喜欢将自己的设计和建造,与幸运的是,对于历史的工业设计,他从未停止过. When he was young his father, William Clifford Stevens, pushed him to pursue his childhood hobbies, especially when the future designer was struck down with a severe case of polio at the age of eight.年轻时,他的父亲威廉的Clifford史蒂文斯,将他推到追求他的童年生活情趣,尤其当未来的设计师被打倒了严重小儿麻痹症的病例在八岁. All of his limbs stiffened and his right arm was rendered virtually useless.他的所有肢体僵直和他的右手臂被变得形同虚设. Doctors predicted that he would not be able to walk again.医生预言他将不能再走路. Stevens' father, however, was not a believer in bed rest.史蒂文斯的父亲,但不是坐在床上休息. He piled sketchpads and model kits next to the boy's bed and encouraged him to build one miniature airplane and boat after another.他成堆速写和示范教材旁边男孩的床,并鼓励他兴建一小型飞机船浪. He also challenged Brooks to ride a bicycle and then to swim a mile in a pool, promising to buy him a Model T Ford when he succeeded.他还质疑布鲁斯骑自行车,然后游泳,一哩一池,许诺给他买了福特T型鸿基. "They must have hauled me out hundreds of times short of that mark," Stevens later said."他们要我吊出数以百计的时间较短,马克,"史蒂文斯后来说. "But I finally got that car. My father knew how to motivate me.""但我终于把那辆车.我的父亲知道如何去激励我."
Stevens first thought he might translate these interests into architecture, and enrolled at Cornell University in 1929 to study the subject.史蒂文斯首先想到他可能把这些利益走进建筑而就读于康乃尔大学于1929年研究课题. It was the only time he lived outside of Milwaukee, and by his own account, the experience made only a limited impression on him.这是唯一一次他住外面密尔沃基,而他自己的帐号,经验只有有限的印象. "If I spent as much time on the bank building as I did on the cars that I drew on the rendering in front of the building," he remembers his professors telling him, "I could have been a good architect.""如果我花了很多时间在银行大厦,我没车,我就提请绘制在大楼前,"他回忆他的老师告诉他,"我本来是一个好的建筑师."
Stevens left Cornell in 1933 without a diploma, and returned to Milwaukee to work as an inventory manager, first for a pair of soap companies, and then for a grocery supply firm called Jewett and Sherman.史蒂文斯离开康乃尔大学在1933年无文凭,回到密尔沃基工作作为库存经理先是一双肥皂公司,然后一家食品杂货供应公司叫Jewett的和谢尔曼. Bored and restless, he persuaded the head of the company to let him redesign some of the product labels.钻孔和躁动,他说服了主管,让他重新设计一些产品标签. He also won a contest to redesign the company logo for his father's employer, Cutler-Hammer.他还赢得了比赛,重新设计的公司标志,为他父亲的雇主,金像奖--锤子. These opportunities proved to be the first step towards Stevens' career as an industrial designer.这些机会证明是第一步史蒂文斯的职业作为一个工业设计师. He was aware of the early stirrings of this new profession in New York, and decided to pattern himself after such men as Raymond Loewy, Walter Dorwin Teague.据他所知,早期的蛛丝马迹这一新兴行业在纽约,并决定以自己的模式后,这种男人锺洛伊,瓦尔特多温蒂格. All of these designers had offices in New York City, but Stevens decided to stay right where he was.所有这些设计师曾在纽约办事处的城市,但史蒂文斯决定留下正确救治. Milwaukee, he said, was where the business was.密尔沃基他说,那里的生意.
Stevens opened his first office on July 1, 1935, at 340 North Milwaukee St. By 1939 the office had grown to a staff of five, and Brooks Stevens Industrial Design could boast of thirty-three accounts to its name.史蒂文斯开了首间办事处,于1935年7月1日,在340北密尔沃基圣的1939处增加到5个员工,布鲁克斯和史蒂文斯工业设计可以夸耀33帐户名称. By the following year it had over fifty.到下一年有超过50个. Stevens' personal life also was marked by a notable addition when he married Alice Kopmeier in 1937.史蒂文斯的个人生活也出现了显着时,除了他结婚爱丽丝kopmeier在1937年. The young newlyweds built their own ultra-modern house in Fox Point, just north of Milwaukee.年轻的新人建立起自己的超现代化楼狐点以北的密尔沃基. Designed by Stevens in conjunction with local Fitzhugh Scott, Jr., the building still stands today as one of Milwaukee's most significant examples of modernist domestic architecture.设计史蒂文斯与当地fitzhugh斯科特,Jr先生建筑依然矗立在今天之一威斯康辛州的最明显的例子,国内现代派建筑. Alice and Brooks Stevens would go on to live in the home for five decades and raise four children together.爱丽丝和Brooks史蒂文斯将继续住在家里5年提高4个孩子在一起.
Meanwhile, Stevens was proving himself a master at salesmanship from his earliest days in business.同时,史蒂文斯是证明自己是一个擅长推销自己,从早期的业务. As soon as the firm had its first designs under its belt, Stevens began delivering slide lectures on "Industrial Design and Its Practical Application to Industry."俟该公司第一次设计,在其皮带史蒂文斯开始运送幻灯讲座,"工业设计与实际应用到产业" These talks invariably stressed his main selling point: that design would pay for itself many times over.这些会谈都强调他的主要卖点:设计,将支付本身上好几遍. This argument was tested during World War II, a period of national emergency in which market appeal did not seem to have the same importance as it had during the depression.这一论点被测试二战期间,一个全国紧急时期,市场吸引力似乎并不具有相同的重要性,因为它在抑郁症. Stevens did execute a few designs with a military or "home front" application, but his real success during the war was in converting military manufacturing into civilian consumer products.史蒂文斯曾执行过好几个设计具有军人或"家门前"的申请,但他真正的成功,在战争中被转为军用制造业转为民用消费品. He turned the army Jeep into a station wagon, and then a stylish little touring car called the Jeepster.他转身陆军吉普车变成旅行车,然后时尚小旅行轿车称为jeepster.
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