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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/20 22:08:56
There was just so much to learn about when we were children. We must learn how to speak the language of our counlry. Countirlg and using numbers must be mastered. Most important, we must start to understand what is right anti what is wrong.
As young students, we must keep learning many new things. At sehool, we must learn languages, history, geography, physics, chcmistry and mathematics, and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be a good worker.
Even when we reach oId age, learning remains importanl to us. Retircd people,whose children are all grown up, need to keep busy. Reading new things and discovering new hobbies give many senior citizens a new purpose to their lives and keep them active and happy.
-------------------------------------------------------------Housework or Your Life
here's a dirty little secret in many American homes--couples fight about the housework.
There is always too much to take care of and, with kids,neither one of a couple has the energy to keep on top of it all. When the laundry, dirty dishes, and dust pile up, the couples feel stressed and resentful and the fighting begins.
Why can' t women just split the chores up with their husbands? Because as the number of hours men spend on housework increases, their feelings of being appreciated decrease.A researcher explains that men and women are biologically different in how they see house cleaning men have tunnel vision compared to women's wide field of vision. This is why men can relax in the middle of a mess, while women can't find peace until they feel their environment is in order.
Many people think they can' t afford help with the house.The belief that household help is only for the wealthy is a "stubborn myth". We need to view hiring help as a "timemanagement tool for busy people". On the other hand, there are also costs involved to not hiring help: Health problems like
stress, lack of time for exercise, and sleep deprivation; lost income where the hours spent cleaning could have been used to pursue career goals; and the strain on your marriage that could lead to money spent on counseling or even a divorce.
Obtaining help is not a sign of weakness, but self-care. If you value time with family over time cleaning then it makes sense to get support. Time is precious. Wouldn't you rather spend it doing something other than fighting over whose turn it is to clean the toilet? I know I would.knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. What's worse, the animalistic instinct dormant (:Iccp in our sub-consciousness will come to life, weakening our will to pursue our noble idea, sapping our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization. Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.学习:一生的事业
学习之于心灵,就像食物之于身体一样.摄取了适量的营养食物,我们的身体得以生长而肌肉得以发达. 同样地,我们应该日复一日不断地学习以保持我们心智的敏锐,并扩充我们的智力容量.不断的学习提供我们用之不尽的燃料,来驱使我们磨砺我们的推理、分析和判断的能力.持续的学习是在信息时代中跟时代并驾齐驱的最稳当的方法,也是在变动的时代中成功的可靠保证.
一旦学习停止,单调贫乏的生活就开始了.视学校为汲取知识的惟一场所是种常见的谬误.相反地,从生到死,学习应该是一种无终止的历程. 由于世界一直快速变化,只要学习停顿数日就能使人落后.更糟的是,蛰伏在我们潜意识深处的兽性本能就会复活,削弱我们追求高贵理想的意志,弱化我们扫除成功障碍的决心,而且扼杀我们净化我们人格的欲望.缺少学习将不可避免地导致心灵的停滞,甚至更糟,使其僵化.因此,为了保持心态年轻,我们必须将学习当作一生的事业.