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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 17:57:53
had better do sth
A can,do,may,must,shall,will之后接不带to的不定式:They could do it today. 他们可以今天做这件事.I may as well start at once. 我还不如马上就动身.He will probably object. 他可能会反对.B need和dare之后也接不带to的不定式,但它们不作为情态动词而是同助动词do/did或will/would连用时除外:You needn’t say anything. 你不必说什么.但是说:You don’t/won’t need to say anything. 你不需要/将不需要说什么.I dared not wake him. 我不敢叫醒他.但是说:I didn’ t/wouldn’ t dare(to) wake him. 我没敢/不敢叫醒他.理论上,在最后一个例句中要求用to,但实际上常被省略.按语法规则来说,如果dare和used用为助动词,它们就像大多数助动词一样后面接不带to的不定式;如果它们用为普通动词并与do/ did等连用,就像普通动词一样后面接带to的不定式.C feel,hear,see和 watch:I heard him lock the door. 我听见他锁了门.I saw/watched him drive off. 我看见他开车走了.但see和hear在被动语态的句子中要与带to的不定式连用:He was seen to enter the office. 有人看见他进了办公室.He was heard to say that… 有人听见他说过…… 但feel,hear,see和watch经常是与现在分词连用:I heard them shouting. 我听到他们在大声喊叫.(参见第273节.) D let在主动语态和被动语态的句子中都与不带to的不定式连用.但let在被动语态的句子中常常被另一个词所代替:Theylet me know… 在被动词态的句子中被 I was told… 所代替,而 They let him see the documents则被 He was allowed to see them所代替.let之后的不定式/不定式短语有时为了避免重复而被省略:She wants to go out to work but he won’t let her(go out to work). 她想要出去工作,可他不让她去.在下面的习语中,let没有宾语:Live and let live. 宽己容人.(关于 let us/let’s 用于表示命令和建议,参见第281节与第289节.) E make make 在主动语态的句子中与不带to的不定式连用:He made me move my car. 他迫使我挪动我的汽车.但在被动语态的句子中make与带to的不定式连用:I was made to move my car. 我被迫挪动了我的汽车.为了避免重复,有时make(主动语态)之后的不定式可省去:—Why did you tell him?—He made me(tell him)!—你为什么要告诉他?—是他迫使我(告诉他)的!make(被动语态)之后的不定式可由to来代表:I was made to(tell him). 我是被迫(告诉他)的.F would rather/sooner,rather/sooner than(参见第297与第298书):—Shall we go today?—I’d rather wait till tomorrow. —我们今天去好吗?—我宁可等到明天再去.Rather/Sooner than risk a bad crossing,he postponed his journey. 他不愿冒大风险,推迟了横渡海峡的旅行.G had better(参见第120节):‘You had better start at once,’he said. 他说:“你最好马上就动身.” H help后面接带to或不带to的不定式都可以:He helped us(to) push it. 他帮我们推它.I 如果两个不定式由and连接在一起,通常可将第二个不定式的to省略:I intend to sit in the garden and write letters. 我打算坐在花园里并写些信.I want you to stand beside me and hold the torch. 我要你站在我身边拿着手电筒.J but 和 except跟在 do+ anything/nothing/everything后面时,可以与不带to的不定式连用:He does nothing but complain. 他只是一个劲地抱怨.My dog does everything but speak. 我的狗除了不会说话以外什么都会.Can’t you do anything but ask silly questions?你别一个劲地提愚蠢的问题好吗?(你除了提愚蠢的问题,难道不会干点别的?) There’s nothing to do but wait. 除了等候没有别的办法.K 在下列句子中to可有可无:The only thing to do/we can do is(to) write to him. 唯一可做的事/我们唯一能做的事是给他写信.All we can do is(to) write to him.