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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/27 10:42:05
就在元元降生到小岛时,他的父亲由于伤势过重也离开了他们,人们期待着元元快成为他们的首领.一晃就是几年过去了,元元也长成一个调皮的小孩儿了…… 一天,有一头四处游荡的野猪来到了犀牛霸下的桑树林,为了捍卫自己的领地,霸下与野猪发生了争斗.旁白:周口店镇距今天的北京市区有五十多公里,她的东北面是绵延不绝的燕山山脉,西南为太行山脉.这两道山脉与东南华北平原的交汇处,有一座山丘,被当地人称作“龙骨山”.五十万年前,一批古人类携带着火种,由河北省的泥河湾盆地辗转来到这里定居.他们就是被后人称作“北京人”的著名古人类.我们要讲述的,就是“北京人”初到这里所发生的故事.旁白:当时的“北京人”还不懂得“钻木取火”,初到“龙骨山”却又意外地丢失了火种,所以“北京人”的首领阔哥,不得不冒险,重回泥河湾,那里的火山群仍在喷发着,他要取回火种.旁白:这时的龙骨山地带正被剑齿虎和鬣狗控制着,他们的吼叫声就是为了证明:他们的领地不容新来势力的光顾!猿人的到来,使得他们倍感威胁,趁着猿人丢失了火种,立足未稳之时,凶狠的进攻开始了…… 嬷嬷:“咿咿呀呀,咿咿呀呀……” 旁白:此时的猿人失去了火的保护,只能逃到小岛上,依靠河水来阻挡剑齿虎和鬣狗的袭击;
Yuan Yuan was born in the island,his father,because his injuries have left them,people look forward to Yuan Yuan fast becoming their leader.Fast forward a few years later,Yuan Yuan has grown into a mischievous child of a ......One day,a wandering rogue rhinoceros wild boar came under the mulberry trees,in order to defend their territory,and wild boar took place under the tyrant battle .NARRATOR:Today the Beijing Zhoukoudian area away from the town of Fifty kilometers northeast of her is endless of the Yanshan Mountains,southwest of the Taihang Mountains.The two mountains and southeastern North China Plain Road intersection,there is a hill,the locals called "Dragon Bone Hill." Million years ago,a group of ancient human carrying fire from Hebei Nihewan Basin was removed to live here.Their descendants is to be called "Peking Man" in the famous ancient humans.We want to talk about is the "Peking Man" the story first came here.NARRATOR:At that time the "Peking Man" do not know how to "fire by rubbing sticks," early "Dragon Bone Hill," but accidentally lost the fire,and the "Peking Man," the brother leader of wide,have adventures,to return to Nihe Bay,where the volcanoes are still erupting,and he wants to take back the fire.NARRATOR:At this time the keel mountain areas are being saber-toothed tigers and hyenas control,and their roar just to prove:that their territory can not be new forces patronize!Ape-man's arrival,making them feel threatened,taking advantage of the lost ape-man fire,weak footing when the vicious attack began ......Mother:"babble,babble ..." NARRATOR:At this time the ape-man loss of fire protection,only to flee the island,relying on the river to stop saber-toothed tiger and the hyena attacks;
Early morning mist has not cleared,Yuan Yuan has quietly left the camp.Fearless,take a look at our little hero,he was going to do?
Ancient times,ape-man and the animals often suffer from a variety of natural disasters hit,every attack is a test of their survival.This time,a strange plague has unfortunately come to the Dragon Bone Hill,ape people can withstand the test of it?
Ape living stone manufacturing is an important and indispensable component of the flood of raw materials from outside the cave on the quartz,sandstone,quartzite,flint gravel,etc.,there are 2 km away from the granite hillside got the crystals.Production tools are stone hammers and stone anvil.That day,are engaged in Master Ge Jia Yuan Yuan and stone work the game.