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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 18:59:21
对自我和现实的正确认识以及基于正确认识基础上确立适当的目标对于维护个体心理健康至关重要.我国自古就有“人贵有自知之明”、“勿好高骛远”的说法.台湾学者张春兴的心理健康标准:了解自己并肯定自己;自我价值感和自尊心;理想追求不脱离现实 .美国心理学家杰霍塔(Jahoda.M)的心理健康标准:接受自我,能现实地评价自己的长处和短处,对现实的感知能力o.
重视对人生意义的探索儒家思想重视理想人格的塑造,人本主义重视对健康人格的追求.两者都重视人格的自我完善,并有相似的心理目标— — 让人活得更有尊严、更自在、更幸福,达到自我的完善.由此可见两者都重视对人生意义的探索和追求.稍有不同的是
Importance of both personal self-improvement,and have similar psychological aim - - people live with greater dignity,more comfortable and more happy,self-perfection.This shows that both attach importance to the exploration of the meaning of life and the pursuit.Are slightly different from the Confucian emphasis on moral character on the sound,and the people the importance of personal potential and to play.
Scholars in Taiwan Chun-Hsing Chang standard of mental health:and certainly know their own; self-esteem and self-esteem; not unrealistic ideals.杰霍塔American psychologist (Jahoda.M) criteria for mental health:self-acceptance,to realistically evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses,the perception of reality o.Emphasis on exploration of the meaning of life and emphasis on the Confucian idea of the shape the ideal personality,and people attach importance to the pursuit of healthy personality.
Emphasis on self-awareness and reality.Themselves and recognize the reality of the right and on the basis of a correct understanding of the objectives of the establishment of appropriate individuals for maintaining mental health is essential.Our country since ancient times,"You people have self-knowledge," "Do not set our targets too high" is.