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英语翻译The beauty of the music was in(1)sharp contrast(2)with t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/11 13:10:08
The beauty of the music was in(1)sharp contrast(2)with the reality(3)of the lives led by the singers.Amid(4)all their suffering,a group of Jewish prisoners had found the courage to stage(5)performances of Verdi’s Requiem.Despite the difficulties and dangers ,they threw themselves(6)enthusiastically into(7)rehearsals,which had to be kept a secret(8).An additional(9)difficulty was that they had only one instrument(10),an old harmonium.
Their greatest triumph(11)came when they performed before an audience(12)containing the infamous Nazi official,Adolf Eichmann.Their voices swelled(13)with passion(14)as they threw in the faces of the Nazis words which sang of how they would have to pay for(15)their crimes.
The following is an eyewitness report by a German of how(1)a comparatively minor mass execution was carried out upon Hitler’s order at Dubno in the Ukraine on October 5,1942.
The people who had got(2)off the truck-men,women(3)and children of all ages-were ordered(4)to undress themselves by an(5)SS man ,who(6)carried a dog whip.They had(7)to put down their clothes in fixed places.
Without screaming or weeping these(8)people undressed,stood around in family groups,kissed each other,said(9)farewells and waited for a sign from(10)another SS man,who stood near a small hill,also with(11)a whip in his hand(12).During the fifteen minutes that I stood there I heard no(13)complaint or plea for mercy...
An old woman with snow-white hair(14)was holding a(15)one-year-old child in her arms and singing to it(16).The child was smiling with delight(17).The parents were looking on with tears(18)in their eyes.
At(19) that moment the SS man near the hill counted off about twenty persons and instucted them to go behind it.Then from there(20) I heard rifle shots in quick succession.
A few minutes later(21)I walked around the hill and found(22)myself confronted by a tremendous grave-an execution pit.People were closely wedged(楔入) together and lying on(23)top of each other.Nearly all had bolld running over their shoulders from their heads.Some of them were still(24)moving.Some were lifting(25)their arms and turning their heads(26)to show that they were still alive(27).The pit was already two-thirds full(28).I estimated that it contained(29) about a thousand people.I looked for the Fascist soldier who did(30)the shooting.He was an SS man,who sat at(31)the edge of the pit,his feet(32)dangling(悬晃着)into the pit.He had a gun on his knees and was smoking(33)a cigarette.
英语翻译The beauty of the music was in(1)sharp contrast(2)with t
音乐的美丽与歌手们引领的现实生活形成了鲜明的对比.在苦难中,他们鼓起勇气上台表演维尔第的安魂曲.尽管这既困难又危险,他们还是以极大的热情进行了排练,这要秘密地进行.另一个困难是他们只有一件乐器--一台旧风琴.他们最伟大的胜利来自他们在包括有臭名昭著的纳粹军官--阿道夫 埃克曼--的听众前的演出.他们演唱的声音热情高涨,就像是投掷到纳粹的脸上的一句句话:他们定会为他们的罪行付出代价.
以下是一位德国目击者的报告, 在1942年10月5日在乌克兰的Dubno如何按照希特勒的命令对相对较小的一群人执行死刑的.
这时,小山边站着的党卫军数了约二十个人并指令他们走到山后面去,我听到了接连不断的枪声.几分钟后,我走过小山,发现了一座巨大的墓地--一个执行死刑的深坑.人们被紧紧地楔在一起,层层叠叠. 所有的人都有血从他们的头流到肩膀.有些人仍然在动.一些人举起他们的手并转动他们的头以示他们还活着.深坑已经填满了三分之二,我估计里面有上千人,我寻找着开枪的法西斯士兵,它是一名党卫军,坐在深坑的边儿上,它的脚在深坑中摇晃着,它的枪放在腿上,正抽着一支香烟.
