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英语翻译“世邦魏理仕”是CB Commercial与REI Ltd(魏理仕控股公司)于1998年5月4日合并而成.其前身

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/07 20:31:30
“世邦魏理仕”是CB Commercial与REI Ltd(魏理仕控股公司)于1998年5月4日合并而成.其前身“魏理仕”在1773年成立于英国伦敦,目前拥有二百多年房地产服务经验的“世邦魏理仕”既是世界上最大及历史最悠久的国际物业公司,同时也以独立的智力资本、所向披靡的环球实力及建立在每个主要市场领导地位之上的业务平台成为《财富》全球500强中唯一入选的房地产顾问公司.
英语翻译“世邦魏理仕”是CB Commercial与REI Ltd(魏理仕控股公司)于1998年5月4日合并而成.其前身
CB Richard Ellis group was incorporated by CB Commercial and REI Ltd on May 4, 1998, its predecessor CB was established in London in 1773. Currently enjoying more than 200 years of experience in real estate services, CB Richard Ellis group is not only the world's largest and oldest international property company, but also the only-selected real estate consultancy company in the Fortune Global 500 Tops, with its independent intellectual capital, the invincible worldwide strength and its business platforms established in every leading market.
The advantage of CB Richard Ellis group lies in the ascension of the popularity and the value increment of property has great help. The current CB Richard Ellis group is one of the foreign -capital management company which manages the most comprehensive property nationwide. Many large companies, such as Lotus software (China) Co., LTD, IBM, NEC, Boeing China Co., LTD, Johnson &Johnson (China), Mitsubishi Elevator, Nokia, Ericsson, the American and multinational consulate (senior clerk /apartment) ,have been the long-term cooperative owner of CB Richard Ellis group.