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SAT语法真题请教!1.(We had never seen) anything like this style of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/27 20:51:13
1.(We had never seen) anything like this style of architecture before,we thought we were looking at giant sculptures,not buildings.
D) Never having seen
E) Never seeing
2.Remarkable breakthroughs in gene research may lead to dramatic changes in medical (treatment,where it may be possible to create) drugs tailored to a patient's genetic makeup.
C treatment by making it possible to create
D treatment taht makes it possible creating
E treatment that makes possible creating
3.Cinco de Mayo,or May 5,the date of a famous military victory,is celebrate (with such an activity as) dancing,speeches,musical performances and feasts.
C)with such activities as
D)in such activities like
SAT语法真题请教!1.(We had never seen) anything like this style of
2.主句为:Remarkable breakthroughs in gene research may lead to dramatic changes in medical,你可以试着问:具体怎样做到“lead to dramatic changes in medical”呢?方法就是通过“making it possible to create drugs tailored to a patient's genetic makeup”
3.celebrate sth with 用.方式庆祝.
再问: 1.我上过新东方的课,那老师说after/before/until引导的时间状语从句不搭配现在完成时,而是搭配过去完成时和一般过去时。 这里的D选项却用了having been? 2. make的用法不是make (sth) do或make it to sth吗? 而C选项是make it to do? 帮忙解答,谢谢!
再答: 1.在此提一点建议,新东方老师讲的多是应试技巧,对于老师讲的东西,你最好能够分析真正理解,找到其根本所在,使之成为你自己的东西,做到不变应万变(题型一直在变),否则。。。 2.此处“Never having seen anything like this style of architecture before”是一个原因状语从句,此处省略了主谓语“I had not seen nything like this style of architecture before ”,因为后面还有一套主谓语,一个句子中不能出现两套主谓语,于是我们通常会将其中一套主谓语用状语的形式给出。 此处还有一种类似情况:seeing the house on fire,I called the police immediately yesterday. 3.请不要断章取义,原句为“making it possible to create”分解如下: make it be possible; it is possible to do sth.