作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

i'm very busy.i can't come to your party(合成一句?.i'm ___ busy

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/20 15:32:10
i'm very busy.i can't come to your party(合成一句?.i'm ___ busy ____come to your party.
i'm very busy.i can't come to your party(合成一句?.i'm ___ busy
i'm _too__ busy __to__come to your party.
再问: 怎么分辨并列连词并列的是什么?(比如什么时候并列不定式?
再答: too …to …的意思是“太……而不能”并不是并列关系,而是转折关系
再问:   我是说别的题,比如one earns a language by making mistakes and _____答案是correcting,为什么?
再答: 并列连词常见的有 and,but ,or not only…but also both…and等 判定并列连词最重要的两点就是 1并列的成分属性与结构一定是一致的 2连词前后成分可以互换,不影响句子。 要两边平衡 1. 单词+并列连词+单词 We both shrugged and laughed. 我们两人都耸耸肩,笑一笑。 He came and sat down and spoke to me. 他进来,坐下和我说话。 We felt hot, tired and thirsty. 我们觉得又热,又累,口又干。 He is healthy and handsome. 他既健康又帅气。 2. 短语+并列连词+短语 The butterflies flew over our heads and about the flowers. 蝴蝶在我们头上飞,在花丛中飞。 3. 从句+并列连词+从句 I know that he has been arrested and that he is in prison. 我知道他被捕而且坐牢了。 4. 分句+并列连词+分句 I played the piano and she sang. 我弹钢琴,她唱歌。