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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/29 06:02:23
说完中国商业电影的发展历史,我们不得不想到和中国商业电影一起成长的导演.说道商业片比较成功的我们首先想到的应该是票房和口碑双赢的冯小刚了,开创了自己的冯氏电影风格.冯小刚从一开始拍电影就没有掩饰过自己对价值的追求.第一部电影 甲方乙方 就是商业片,1997年甲方乙方上映取得3300万的票房成绩,创造国内票房纪录.此后在每年的贺岁档相继推出 不见不散 没完没了 大腕 手机 集结号 非诚勿扰 都取得很好的票房成绩,也证明了自己商业导演的实力
With the development of China's commercial movie history,we have to think and grow together with the Chinese commercial movie director.Then said to be successful we first thought is a win-win feng xiaogang box and reputation,started his own FengShi movie style.Feng's start filming will not hide myself in pursuit of value.The first film to party b,party a is a commercial theaters in 1997 to party b has 33 million at the box office record,create domestic.Later in the year new files launched meet endless big phone was negotiable has very good at,also proved his business directo