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根据中文填空完成句子, 你能不能把书挪一挪,好有放食物的地方?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 23:57:40
根据中文填空完成句子, 你能不能把书挪一挪,好有放食物的地方?
Could you move your books to _____ _____ _____ the food?
这座纪念碑是为纪念那位将军而建的.The monument was built ___ ___ ___the general
总统有权否决议案The president has the ____to veto bills
她把绳子牢牢的系在一棵树上She __the rope securely__a tree
孩子们被逗得高兴地大笑The children were made to laugh _____ _____
外国人总是把中国和长城联系在一起Foreigeners always __China__the great wall
她把桌子上的脏盘子都端走了She _____the dirty dishes ____the table
因为有小男孩的带路,我们毫不费劲地找到了那个房子With the boy _____ _____ _____,we had no difficulty finding the house
我将努力回答你的所有问题I will ____ _____answer aii your questions
那两队要争当冠军The two teams will _____ _____the championship
根据中文填空完成句子, 你能不能把书挪一挪,好有放食物的地方?
Could you move your books to MAKE ROOM FOR the food?
这座纪念碑是为纪念那位将军而建的.The monument was built IN MEMORY OF the general
总统有权否决议案The president has the POWER to veto bills
她把绳子牢牢的系在一棵树上She FASTENED the rope securely TO a tree
孩子们被逗得高兴地大笑The children were made to laugh OUT LOUD.
外国人总是把中国和长城联系在一起Foreigeners always LINK China WITH the great wall
她把桌子上的脏盘子都端走了She BUSSED/REMOVED the dirty dishes OFF the table
因为有小男孩的带路,我们毫不费劲地找到了那个房子With the boy LEADING THE WAY,we had no difficulty finding the house
我将努力回答你的所有问题I will TRY TO answer aii your questions
那两队要争当冠军The two teams will COMPETE FOR the championship