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短文改错That was a cold and rainy afternoon in winter.Mr Black w

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/12 05:00:21
That was a cold and rainy afternoon in winter.Mr Black was about
to leave the office after a long day of job.He was quite tired.
He locked the office door and took out his car keys.It was already very dark outside.When he reached his car,he took out keys and put the door key into the lock and turn it.The door shouldn't open.Then he found that it wsa the wrong car.He tried very hard to find hisown car,and he couldn't find it.Finally he reported to the police about it.But when he arrived at home,he found that his car was parking right at the front door.He didn't lose his car.He didn'tride his own car to work that morning.
found that his car was parking right at the front door.He didn't 这句哪错了
还有He locked the office door and took out his car keys.It was already very dark outside.When he reached his car,he took out keys这句呢
短文改错That was a cold and rainy afternoon in winter.Mr Black w
第一行,It was,in a winter(这里不是表示“每一个冬天”而是“某一个冬天”,所以要加冠词a);第二行,long day of work(job是指职业,不是“工作”);第四行,and turned it(并列,谓语时态一致,turn改成过去式),shouldn't open改couldn't be opened;第五行,and he couldn't find it,and改but;第六行,arrived at home,去掉at,at home是“在家”,表“到家”时,home是副词,前边不加介词;第六行,ride改drive.
另:第三行的was不能改has,就算要改成完成时,也应该是has been,但是这里应该不需要改成完成时(印象中老师似乎是说见了“already”就是完成时,但……其实,只是“经常是”,而不是“一定是”);第五行的find不能改成look for,look for是表示“寻找”这个动作,而不是“找到”这个结果.文中是说Black“试图找到他的车”而不是试图做“寻找自己的车”的这个动作,第2个find就更不该有问题了.
--b……每句都有错吗?那……reached his car,he took out keys在keys前加the,特指前边提过的拿出来的钥匙;至于“found that his car was parking right at the front door.He didn't”这个……把was parking改成parked吧,把前边的that去掉……但这样的话……句子结构就变了……或者不去掉that,改成was parked……但我觉得这样反而有点儿别扭……不过,应该是语法上正确的写法吧……对了,把reported to the police about it的it改成this,this指代前边说的“找不到车”这件事.其实……用it似乎也没啥大错……非要改,我也只能这样改了……--