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英语翻译The rain was coming down heavily and I was going to be l

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 16:18:29
The rain was coming down heavily and I was going to be late for an important c onference.Dressing up quickly,I called for a taxi,1that it would be faster than the subway.
It wasn't.
After a long wait,I finally got one,but the traffic was heavy.I looked at my2from time to time.Just as the traffic started moving,the driver3a man up ahead in a wheelchair.
“Wouldn't he be cold sitting right there!” the driver cried and began to4.
I could see there would be another 20 minutes'5—6him into the cab,folding up his chair and putting it into the taxi's small7,then dropping him off who knows where.
“What are you doing?” I shouted to the driver.
As the8came out,I wanted to take them back.The wrongness of my9to the driver shocked me.Why did I let out the shout?
The driver10me and we continued the journey.Eventually I got out of the taxi and
11to the office.As I ran,I understood that,though it wasn't my duty to take the time to help others,I shouldn't have12the driver's stopping.I should have been able to see beyond my impatience to notice what was most inerrant (不会错的).Whenever I thi nk of this incident,this is my13:I am not a14self-centered person,but I still feel15
of being self-centered.Living a busy life in a fast-paced big city,do we still need to stop to help those who are in need of help?
英语翻译The rain was coming down heavily and I was going to be l