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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/29 19:26:38
月饼的饼馅一般分为软硬两种,软馅中含水分较多,只能保存7到10天左右,而硬馅月饼则可保存1个月左右.盒装月饼,应将盒盖打开,使其通风.另外,因月饼中含脂肪较多,存放时还应注意避光,以防油脂氧化.  月饼要轻拿轻放,尤其是苏式月饼因皮酥松,最容易破碎.如果饼皮脱落,不仅影响外观,而且影响口味、质量,并且易受潮变质.  月饼含有丰富的油脂和糖分,受热受潮都极易发霉、变质,所以一定要将月饼存放在低温、阴凉、通风的地方.一般来说,月饼皮软、水分大、易变质,最好将月饼连带包装盒一起放入冰箱冷藏室,食前一小时取出,可保证它的口味.在25℃的气温环境下,杏仁、百果等馅心月饼可存放15天左右;豆沙、莲蓉、枣泥等馅心月饼,存放时间则不宜超过10天;如果气温超过30℃,月饼存放的时间还应该适当缩短,一般不宜超过7天;至于鲜肉、鸡丝、火腿等月饼,应随买随吃.  月饼存放时,不宜与其他食品、杂物放在一起,以免串味,失去应有的口味和特色.
The moon cake of bread stuffing is generally divided into hard and soft,soft filling with more water,only save about 7-10 days,hard stuffing moon cake can be saved in a month or so.Moon cake box,the lid should be open,so ventilation.In addition,because of moon cake containing more fat storage should also pay attention to the dark to prevent lipid oxidation.The moon cake to be light light up,especially in the Soviet-style moon cake skin crisp,the most easily broken.If the crust off,not only affect the appearance,but also affect the taste,quality,and moisture deterioration.The moon cake is rich in fats and sugar,heat moisture are vulnerable to mildew,deterioration,so be sure to moon cake stored at low temperature,a cool,well ventilated place.Generally speaking,the moon cake skin soft,water large,perishable,the best moon cake joint box with refrigerator freezer,food take out one hour before to ensure that its taste.Temperature of 25 ° C environment,such as almonds,mince stuffing moon cake can be stored for about 15 days; sandwiches bean paste,lotus seed paste,jujube paste moon cakes,storage time should not be more than 10 days; if the temperature exceeded 30 ° C,the moon cake store time should be shortened,generally should not be more than 7 days; As for meat,chicken,ham,such as moon cake,buy with eating.The moon cake store,and other food,debris should not be put together in order to avoid odor and lose their taste and characteristics.