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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/05 00:44:28
甜蜜情人发型 甜甜的小卷发、乖巧的BOB头,让人回到了初恋年代,一切都是那么新鲜,那么甜美,跳跃的小卷,清纯的美发直发,融合和新一季的时尚元素,让人总有种甜蜜的感觉.
动感、轻盈,充满灵气的卷发将会在2009年热度更高.09年流行发型,发梢松松的发卷、慵懒的波纹、俏皮的外翘……营造出自然柔美的女性气质.同时,容易打理也是一个关键.在09年春夏秀场上,自然而慵懒的长卷 发占导了主要的地位.
08年大红的BOB头、大波浪,在09年流行 发型中将演进成更简单的风格,线条不再刚硬 俐落,也不刻意做作甜美风格,而是以BOB头的长度延伸,保留丰盈蓬松的发量,并增加长度,以及略带层次的斜分,整体表现更自然.
踏入09年,棕色系、咖啡色系、铜色系将继续引领潮流,可以调配橘色、亚麻色挑染,令头发色彩与肤色更Match.具有铂金光感的金色,能打造纯净、优雅的气质.通过微妙的修剪,具有空气感的魔力,给予女性更高层次的柔 和动感、轻盈,充满灵气的卷发将会在2009年热度更高的发型.发梢松松的发卷、慵懒的波纹、俏皮的外翘……营造出自然柔美的女性气质.同时,容易打理也是一个关键.在09春夏秀场上,自然而慵懒的长卷发占导了主要的地位.想拥有一款时尚的自然卷发,可以运用日式精准的修剪和烫染配合简单的居家DIY造型,想不美丽都很难...
This theme is a continuation of the previous quarter mainly popular,the length of hair can be,seemingly at random,but is very permissive,with the unique taste of clothing is,indeed,can it all themselves.
甜蜜情人发型 甜甜的小卷发、乖巧的BOB头,让人回到了初恋年代,一切都是那么新鲜,那么甜美,跳跃的小卷,清纯的美发直发,融合和新一季的时尚元素,让人总有种甜蜜的感觉.
动感、轻盈,充满灵气的卷发将会在2009年热度更高.09年流行发型,发梢松松的发卷、慵懒的波纹、俏皮的外翘……营造出自然柔美的女性气质.同时,容易打理也是一个关键.在09年春夏秀场上,自然而慵懒的长卷 发占导了主要的地位.
08年大红的BOB头、大波浪,在09年流行 发型中将演进成更简单的风格,线条不再刚硬 俐落,也不刻意做作甜美风格,而是以BOB头的长度延伸,保留丰盈蓬松的发量,并增加长度,以及略带层次的斜分,让整理的过程更简单,整体表现更自然.
踏入09年,棕色系、咖啡色系、铜色系将继续引领潮流,可以调配橘色、亚麻色挑染,令头发色彩与肤色更Match.具有铂金光感的金色,能打造纯净、优雅的气质.通过微妙的修剪,具有空气感的魔力,给予女性更高层次的柔 和动感、轻盈,充满灵气的卷发将会在2009年热度更高的发型.发梢松松的发卷、慵懒的波纹、俏皮的外翘……营造出自然柔美的女性气质.同时,容易打理也是一个关键.在09春夏秀场上,自然而慵懒的长卷发占导了主要的地位.想拥有一款时尚的自然卷发,可以运用日式精准的修剪和烫染配合简单的居家DIY造型,想不美丽都很难...
Sweet Valentine's sweet little hair curls,and well-behaved BOB head back to the love people age,everything is so fresh,so sweet,jumping a small volume,pure beauty salon straight hair,integration and the new season of fashion elements,makes total sense a kind of sweet.
Romantic natural long curly hair
Dynamic,lightweight,full of nimbus of curly hair will be even higher in 2009,heat.2009 popular hair styles,hair loosely Fashao volumes,lazy ripples,playful foreign Alice ......to create a natural gentle femininity.At the same time,easy to care is also a key.In the spring and summer 2009 show floor,natural and long lazy curls accounted for a major derivative status.
Abundance of fluffy hair BOB
2008 to BOB red head,big wave,in the popular hairstyle in 2009 will evolve into a more simple style,lines are no longer rigid and tidy,nor deliberately contrived sweet style,but rather an extension of the length of the first BOB retain the abundance fluffy hair volume,and increase the length,as well as the slightly sub-level of the ramp,so that finishing the process more simple,more natural overall performance.
Straightforward Chubun hair
   08 spring and summer T Taiwan carved hair wave intensified in the autumn and winter,spring and summer show has been extended to 09 games,becoming the most popular hairstyle in 2009 the first place.This year's show more changes in the distribution of the form 55 can be visually balance the distribution of prominent contours of the face,whether it is straight hair or curly hair,Phi or under beams,the long hair and short hair,or a variety of textures MIX,are be able to create a different Style.
  Brown,copper hair color trend guide
   Into in 2009,Brown University,Brown University,copper color will continue to lead the trend,you can deploy orange,flaxen coloring,so that the hair color and skin color is more Match.With a sense of golden golden platinum,can create pure elegance.Through subtle trim,with a sense of the magic of the air,give women a higher level of soft dynamic,light,full of nimbus of curly hair will be hot in 2009,a higher cut.Fashao loosely hair volume,lazy ripples,playful foreign Alice ......to create a natural gentle femininity.At the same time,easy to care is also a key.In the 09 spring and summer show floor,natural and long lazy curls accounted for a major derivative status.Want to have a stylish natural curls,you can use Japanese precision pruning and burning infected with a simple home DIY style,beauty does not want to be very difficult ...
As long as you can convey a specific meaning!Baituo help translate what!Thank you,kind-hearted people of the!Those who wish to answer this question all wishes come true!