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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 16:32:00
Dear Ms Wong:
Thank you for your letter of March 21 about I slept in the English lesson.I am aware of the consequences of this.But i honestly would like to let you know the cause of this.
I am very sory to sleep in the classroom affected classmate and teachers.I am vey fond of watching TV.So,last Sunday,I watched TV did not go to bed until 3 oclock in the morning.I feel asleep in English class therefore sleep insufficiency.I konw that it it an offence and i apologize to you also to help me come out of this.please give me one chance and i acsure you that i will never do such a thing in life again.please allow me this time and will prove that i can clear the sleep do not happen in the claassroom.Please forgive me.please accept my profound apologies for this matter.
Yours Sincerely
Annie Chan
about是介词,后面怎么可以跟句子,你可以用同位语从句来表达你的意思:...about the matter that I slept in the English lesson .第二段开头一句话,你一句句子怎么可以有两个谓语动词,至少给它一个连词吧,或者可以用分词做伴随状语:把affected改成 ,affecting(注意要加这个逗号); I watched TV did not go to bed until 3 oclock in the morning 这句也是同样的问题,在did 前加个连词and ; I feel asleep in English class therefore sleep insufficiency. 这句也是一样的问题,therefore 是副词,把它换成连词because,而且你sleep动词怎么可以用insufficiency这个名词修饰呢,所以从therefore开始全改掉,可以改成because l sleep insufficiently.然后acsure,应该是assure吧,please allow me this time and will prove that i can clear the sleep do not happen in the classroom. 这句中...and will prove...,改成and I will...;我不知道你clear the sleep 是什么意思,是扫除倦意还是?反正prove that i can clear the sleep do not happen in the claassroom. 这句宾语从句结构乱七八糟的,你直接简单点不行吗,可以是prove that i won't sleep again in the classroom. 反正语法错的地方你可以自己改,我打的句子你可以参考一下.