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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 19:39:44
allow 1、允许,They ed her to go the party.他们允许她去参加那个聚会.
2、供给,He s his son ten dollars a month.他每月给儿子10美元.
3、容许,The face no other rxpiaination.这些事实不容许另做解释.
beat 1、冲击,Waves the shore.波浪冲击岸边.
2、打败,She her brother at tennis.她打网球赢了她弟弟.
3、(心、脉)跳动,The herat s fast.心跳得快.
carry 1、运送 ,The goods will be carried by lorry to London.这些货物将用卡车运往伦敦.
2、携带 ,This bag carries easily.这种包便于携带.
3、传播,Many diseases are carried by insects.许多疾病都是通过昆虫传播的.
delay1、延期,a party.延期举行聚会.
2、推迟,I have to answering the letter.我只得推迟复信.
3、耽搁,Don't .别耽搁.
engage 1、使从事于,He is d in business.他从事商业.
2、使订婚,Tom is d to Anne汤姆和安妮订婚了.
3、担保,That's all I can for.我所能担保的仅此而已.
follow 1、跟随,He ed her up the stairs.他跟她上了楼梯.
2、沿着...前进,Follow this road to the birdge.沿着这条路走到桥头.
3、因...而起,Because a man is rich,it doesn't thathe is happy.人并不因为有钱而拥有幸福.
give 1、送给,Please it to Tom.把这个给汤姆.
2、花费,I will five dollars for it.我花了5美元买下了它.
3、交给,me your bag.把你的包给我吧.
head 1、头部,Tom hitted Anne's .汤姆在打安妮的头.
2、朝某个方向前进,we are ing home.我们正朝家走.
3、才智,Please use your .请用你的头脑.
invite 1、邀请,we d all our relatives.我们邀请了所以的亲戚.
2、吸引,The clam water d us to swim.这平静的湖水吸引我们去游泳.
3、自找,Recklessness s disaster.粗心大意招致灾难.
laugh 1、笑,The joke made everyone .那个笑话使每个人都笑了.
2、嘲笑,Don't at a person who is in trouble.不要嘲笑处于困难中的人.
3、用笑声来表达,She ed her disrespect.她用笑声表达她的蔑视.