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英语翻译A "Pearl" in the Hair Salon在日常的生活琐事中"我"看到了一颗善良真诚的"珍珠",她让

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/26 21:23:29
A "Pearl" in the Hair Salon
—By Cabbage
I get my hair cut about twice a year,so making an appointment is a big deal for me.The woman who cuts my hair is a real sweetie and is more like a therapist* for everyone who walks into the door!It always amazes me that even though I don’t see her very often,she remembers everything about me.
Once upon a time,I called to make an appointment and found that everything was booked.However,to my great surprise,a few evenings later she called to tell me that someone had cancelled his appointment and I could go.So,I made a mental note to bring something special for her when I went for my haircut.
On the day of the appointment there was a great storm.As I was leaving work,I picked up a hot chocolate and an extra large chocolate cookie to give my hairstylist.I was driving slowly because of the weather and I was sure I would miss my appointment.Still,I wanted to give the hot chocolate to her.
Well,she was delighted to get the surprise and when I said perhaps I should make another appointment because I had missed the appointment and I had to go to the school to pick up my son.She just asked what time I needed to leave and promised me she would get the job done.
She did,and I did not only get to my son’s school safely in time,I was actually early!
Here is a pearl of wisdom that she shared with me on that rainy day,"I learned that the faster I get out of my own way,the smoother things will go!"Sometimes we are our own worst enemy!
Note:therapist n.(某治疗法的) 治疗专家
这一句:I learned that the faster I get out of my own way,the smoother things will go!
英语翻译A "Pearl" in the Hair Salon在日常的生活琐事中"我"看到了一颗善良真诚的"珍珠",她让 谁帮我 用 英语翻译 下这句话 :(生活的琐事,只有让我越来越心痛.) 英语翻译她来自中国台湾艺人.她是一位可爱善良的女孩.但是她因为拍戏而被火烧伤、我真诚的祝福她能早日康复. 完形填空HongKong is a pearl(珍珠) in the east.It's a beautiful(i ) 每天为了一些日常的生活琐事而烦恼,怎么才能生活的更开心快乐? 英语翻译在我的眼里,我的妈妈是一个普通,但又不寻常的人.妈妈善良、真诚、正直、热情,她的笑容会让人感到没有距离感,很容易 英语翻译英语翻译:这让她想起了和丈夫一起采水果的快乐时光 我前面写了一个丈夫去世的老妇人看到一颗果树.下一句不会写了…… barber shop和hair salon是一样的性质吗? 英语翻译我自认为是一个充满活力和简单的东方女性.接受过良好的教育.身体健康,人品好,聪慧温柔,真诚善良,并且有乐观的生活 英语翻译我的好朋友是陈欣,因为她很真诚的对待我,在我有困难的时候,她不会对我施加任何的压力,对你我施加让你喘不过气的做法 英语翻译阿甘:小的时候我的智商是75,但是我真诚、善良对待人生和他人;我打了四年橄榄球,就获得了学士学位。在我妈妈去世前 英语翻译从前我不知道什么叫爱,直到我幸运地遇到了一个女孩,她的美丽和善良,深深地吸引了我,我非常想让她做我的女朋友,但是