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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 21:03:14
陶渊明是我国东晋末年伟大的诗人,他的诗以崭新的内容,淳朴自然的风格,为我国古典诗歌开拓了一个新的领域——田园诗.他的诗歌创作具有独特的风格和极高的造诣,在艺术上取得了很高的成就.具有亲切淳真、平淡自然的风格;浑融完整、高远入化的意境 ;精工凝炼、本色自然的语言;真淳隽永的理趣.他丰富的田园诗歌堪称我国古代文学艺术宝库的珍品,为古典诗歌开辟了一个新的境界,使山水田园诗成为中国古典诗歌的一大主流之一,对后世产生了广泛而深远的影响
Tao Yuanming is a great poet at the end of the Dong Jing Era.His poem has carved out a brand new field -- Country Poem,with totally different content and natural,yet modest writing manner.The creation of the poem are unique in style,therefore,it enjoyed a fairly good reputation and have achieved incredible accomplishment.His poem creates a natural,genile feeling that touches our hearts,the artistic conception is further than what we can comprehend,and the use of simple words depicted his inner-feelings all make us appreciate his poem.His various country poetry is a valuable treasure in chinese ancient poetry collection.It has led chinese poetry into a new field,and make country poetry one of the dominated poetry style.It also has a incredible influence in modern days.