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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 20:33:21
In holiday, I read the British writer Jonathan? Siwei Fu's "Gulliver's Travels." The novel spicy Satires and Humors, quirky imagination and exaggeration, describes love sailing adventure Gulliver, traveling around the world, has experienced large and small, thrilling and interesting adventure.
Travels in the adult state, Window on China's bizarre story fascinated me, but to me the deepest impression in 1710 Gulliver rafting in North America, chance encounter on a desert island of wisdom from country to country, met with kindness, honesty and virtue Hui due to the King story. In the language of wisdom from country to country is not "lying" and "deceit" that the words, people do not understand their meanings better. They do not know what is "suspected" and what is "do not trust." In their country, everything is real, and transparent. I am very envious of Gulliver lucky enough to wisdom from country to country, where we are after and the ideal situation, where you do not need to worry about other people say is true. But in reality, it was someone else's hard-earned money wheedled; some trafficking of children making excessive profits; some even to abandon her own money ... ... no wonder the parents, our teachers, elders childhood education, we must guard carefully taken in cheated.
I also look forward to the day when our society could be like wisdom from country to country, as the children's eyes no longer in doubt, education and the reality is unified. I would like to do this work, I hope everyone, from ourselves and from the side which make this community a little more sincere and less hypocritical.
英语翻译长假里,我读了英国作家乔纳森?斯威夫的《格列佛游记》.小说以辛辣的讽刺与幽默、离奇的想象与夸张,描述酷爱航海冒险 名著读后感500字读 《格列佛游记》有感 长假里,我读了英国作家乔纳森•斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》,小说以辛辣 英语翻译长假里,我读了英国作家乔纳森·斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》,我很羡慕文中的主人公有幸能到慧因国,因为在那里你不需顾虑 格列佛游记读后感《格列佛游记》闻名中外,以风趣幽默的语言讲述了格列佛的离奇的遭遇,得到了海内外各国人民的喜爱.格列佛先是 为什么说格列佛游记是英国文学史上最著名的讽刺小说 《格列佛游记》是一部杰出的讽刺小说,作者运用虚构的情节和幻想的手法,揭露了批判了当时英国统治阶级的腐败与罪恶,是对的吗 分析《格列佛游记》的艺术特点:讽刺和夸张 名著阅读.(1)英 名著阅读.(1)英国作家斯威夫特的小说名作《格列佛游记》极具讽刺意味,第四卷更是展示了人兽颠倒的怪诞 名著阅读。(3分)小题1:英国作家斯威夫特的小说名作《格列佛游记》极具讽刺意味,第四卷更是展示了人兽颠倒的怪诞景象,在慧 名著阅读。(1)英国作家斯威夫特的小说名作《格列佛游记》极具讽刺意味,第四卷更是展示了人兽颠倒的怪诞景象,在慧骃国,作者 格列佛游记的作者把什么和什么结合起来?自如的运用哪四种讽刺手法?对什么进行了深刻的揭露和辛辣的讽刺 英国作家斯威夫特的长片小说《格列佛游记》全书分为 几个部分?