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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/16 08:09:57
From grade-school to college,students,teachers,parents-all are struggling for high scores.Students burn their mid-night oil to strive for high marks often at the cost of their health.Teachers aim at nothing but developing students'ability to perform well on the test.More often than not,many parents try every means to find a home tutor to help with their children's studies.Undoubtedly,many students,even those with high scores,often do poorly when it comes to the practical application of the knowledge and theories they have learned.Tish is the result of the current examination-oriented education system.
  Therefore,it is high time that China challenged examination-oriented education by advocating quality-oriented education.The alternative will highlight student s'uality as well as their ability.Thier records of examinations will no longer play such a key role in evaluating their academic achievements.This can provide a wide scope for students to develop their overall abilities.They can challenge what is conventional and gradually form an active way of thinking.An active mind can spark inspiration and stimulate great creativity,Admittedly,quality-oriented education will show promise in raising students'efforts and their creativity.
  My suggestion is that we should quicken the transiting from examoriented to quality-oriented education.Personally,I firmly believe in the magic force of the new education policy,and I eagerly look forward to enjoying the great fruits the program offers.Our rducation will not be making,so to speak,a"tobot"or a"bookworm"out of the student,but will bring up a new generation that are masters of the robot and kownledge society.
英语作文最近,九年级学生是否应该参加课外活动的话题引起了很多老师,学生和家长的关注。他们的观点和理由如下理由,同意。丰富 课外生活 英语作文最近,九年级学生是否应该参加课外活动的话题引起了很多老师,学生和家长的关注.他们的观点和理由如下理由, 最近,九年级学生是否应该参加课外活动的话题引起了很多老师和学生和家长的观点,他们的观点和理由如图中:同意(丰富多彩的课外 鼓励学生多参加课外活动和学校多举办课外活动的英语作文 高中英语作文:学生课外活动内容的看法和观点 英语翻译1、是否应强制中学生参加长跑曾一度引起学生和家长的热议.(whether)2、学生上大学目的之一就是毕业后找份想 九年级同学是否应该参加课外活动的英语议论作文100词左右 老师布置的所有作业,每个学生都要全部完成?请讲出你的观点和理由. 关于 才艺展示的英语作文要怎么写 (作文要求:没有才艺,是否同意别人在媒体上展示,理由,观点和看法) Tom,Daming,Jack 是你们班的三名学生,他们对体育项目和理由如下表所示,请根据表格内容,写一篇作文 英语作文.如今很多学校以及家庭都支持学生住校.他们认为相比通学而言,住校有利于学生的发展.你也同意他们的观点.请结合下面 高一暑假英语作文要求如下: 某英语问报社就是否应该给学生流家庭作业的问题在教师和家长中间尽享了调查,下面是调查结构,由此