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英语翻译Lorraine,Brenda and Pam wish to transfer their existing

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 08:55:38
Lorraine,Brenda and Pam wish to transfer their existing business to a company so that they could obtain the benefit of limited liability.The company is to be called “Southend Fashion Designs Ltd.” They instruct their solicitor,Michelle,to prepare the necessary documentation.The company is to have an issued share capital of 5000 £1 shares.Lorraine,Brenda and Pam will each hold 1000 10% preference shares,and Jade and Ivor will each hold 1000 ordinary shares.All the shares are to be fully paid up.The directors are to be Lorraine and Brenda.
On 4th September 2010,Lorraine hears that Compute Ltd.is selling computers cheaply and she signs a contract to purchase one on behalf of her company.She signs the contract in the following way:“Lorraine,agent of Southend Fashion Designs Ltd.”
In early September 2010,Southend Fashion Designs Ltd.receives its certificate of incorporation.The Registrar issues the certificate on 11th September 2010,but in error inserted 11the November as the date of the certificate.
Lorraine and Brenda hold a board meeting at which they ratify the contract with Compute Ltd.Shortly afterwards Compute Ltd telephone Lorraine to say that the computer that she ordered is now only available with a double disc drive and not a single disc drive as agreed.There is a small increase in the cost but nevertheless Lorrain agrees to this and signs a letter approving the alteration.
Michelle and Compute Ltd have not been paid.
(a) Advise Michelle and Compute Ltd.
On 20th December 2011,Southend Fashion Designs Ltd.receives a letter from the Companies Registrar informing its directors that they should change the company’s name.
(b) Advise Lorraine and Brenda whether they have to comply with the Registrar’s request.
Assume that in the first financial year of Southend Fashion Designs Ltd,the company makes no profit and so declares no dividend.In the second financial year,the company has £900 profits available for distribution as dividend.In the third financial year a £1000 profits is available for distribution as dividend.You may assume that the directors declare a dividend on all profits available for distribution.
(c) Calculate how these profits would be distributed amongst the various classes of shareholders.(You should support your answer by reference to decided cases)
(a) The guideline word limit is 2,500 with a maximum of 3,000.Footnotes will not count towards word count totals but must only be used for referencing – not the provision of additional text.Bibliographies will not count towards word totals.Unless specifically required in the assessment instructions appendices are not permitted,other than those required under 5(h) below.
英语翻译Lorraine,Brenda and Pam wish to transfer their existing
一、 招生对象及条件:报名者不受学历、惯籍、年龄的限制.在校初中、高中、中专、技校生可同时报读大专,在校大专、本科生可同时报读本科及双学历.
二、 学制:二年(学时最快可一年毕业),学员取得的毕业文凭国家承认学历,含金量较高.(中国高等教育学生信息网上可查),享受普通高校毕业生同等待遇,可参加公务员报考.符合条件本科毕业生,可申请授予学士学位.
专业 主考院校 层次 课程设置 专业优势
中大法律 中山大学 专科 邓小平理论概论、马克思主义哲学原理、大学语文、法理学、宪法学、行政法学、刑法学、刑事诉讼法学、民法学、民事诉讼法学、普通逻辑、经济法概论、国际法、中国法制史(共14门) 1.本院是中山大学法律自考独立办班指定招生单位.由中大名师指导,通过率高.
本科 毛泽东思想概论、马克思主义政治经济学原理、英语(二)、中国法律思想史、法律文书写作、外国法制史、国际私法、国际经济法概论、知识产权法、婚姻家庭法、合同法、公司法、劳动法、环境与资源保护法学、毕业论文(不计学分)(共14门)(非法律专业专科毕业需加考)
行政管理 华南师范大学 专科 邓小平理论概论、马克思主义哲学原理、法律基础与思想道德修养、大学语文、法学概论、公文写作与处理、人力资源管理(一)、政治学概论、现代管理学、社会研究方法、公共关系学、管理心理学、行政管理学、市政学 、计算机应用基础、计算机应用基础(实践)(共16门)(计算机基础与实践二门参加全国计算机一级考试并获得一级证书)
本科 毛泽东思想概论、马克思主义政治经济学原理、英语(二、社会学概论、当代中国政治制度、西方政治制度、国家公务员制度、公共政策、行政组织理论、领导科学、行政法与行政诉讼法(一)、毕业论文(共14门)(专科非行政管理专业需加考)
物流管理 深圳大学 专科 马克思主义哲学原理、邓小平理论概论、法律基础与思想道德修养、物流数学、物流英语、计算机应用基础、计算机应用基础(实践)、物流基础、物流企业会计、物流信息技术、物流信息技术、物流案例与实践(一)、库存管理(一)、采购与供应管理(一)、运输管理(一)、仓储管理(一)、国际物流导论 1.物流人才是中国十大紧缺人才之一,物流师的月工资一般达5000元以上.
本科 毛泽东思想概论、概率论与数理统计(经管类)、线性代数(经管类)、政治经济学(财经类)、英语(二)、经济法概论(财经类)、物流企业财务管理、物流案例与实践(二)、库存管理(二)、采购与供应管理(二)、运输管理(二)、仓储管理(二)、物流企业管理、供应链管理、物流管理软件操作、毕业论文
英语教育 华南师范大学 本科 高级英语(一)(B)、高级英语(二)(B)、翻译 8 必考 笔试 、英语语言学(英文)、英语词汇学(英文)、英语高级听力 、英美报刊选读、英国文学选读 、美国文学选读、英语论文写作、中学英语教学法、外语教学心理学 、毕业论文 1.英语教育是国家扶持专业,不需用要考公共课,比如毛论和马经.