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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/03 14:55:46
Oral Test—Book 2
1.Discussion of the ways people choose names for their children and what factors should be considered to give a new product a name?
2.Debating----Arguments for or against English as a global language.Introduce your own experience of English study.
3.What are objects or situations that you are afraid of?Why are you afraid of them?Did you ever tried to conquer them?If so,what you did for it.
4.What types of TV shows do you like to watch best?Why
5.Do you have any plan to study abroad as an overseas student?If you have,please explain to your partner what your reasons are.If you don’t have,please explain why not?
6.Talk about necessary qualities of a good manager and give seasons for your opinions.
7.Discuss your ideas of ethical use of computers.
8.As farming land of China has been greatly decreased,some people began to worry about the food problem of China in the coming years.Do you think that China can feed its people in 20 years later?Give your reasons.
9.What do you consider most important for staying healthy?
What 's your comment on the public health problems over the world (SARS,H1N1) or food safety crisis in China (Sanlu scandal,Big-head-babies scandal) in recent years.
10.What should we do to reduce the possible destruction of natural hazards?
or ---Give some tips for the people who live in the areas where earthquakes are very likely to happen.
How do parents choose the name of their baby?
In the United States,parents often give a baby the name of its father,mother or another family member.Some people just choose a name that鈥檚 popular at that time.Two hundred years ago,50% of boy babies in England were named William,John or Thomas,and 50% of girl babies were named Elizabeth,Mary or Anne.Some of these names are still popular,but other names are popular,too.Today,parents sometimes give their babies the names of famous athletes,film stars,characters from literature or TV shows.
English as a global language
THE discussion about whether English becoming a global language has brought us more benefits than risks is a very controversial one.People can hardly reach a consensus on this issue.Before presenting my view,I would like to explore both sides of the argument.
It is very clear that English as a global language has brought us enormous benefits in all aspects of society,which has greatly promoted our economic development.To begin with as a tool of cross-cultural communication,English develops mutual understanding and friendship removing prejudice and hostility.It is no exaggeration to say that English helps maintain the world peace.Moreover,English offers develpoing countries a great opportunity to learn from developed ones.For instance,China,the largest developing country in the world,is in great need of advanced knowledge and technology.English as a global language removes the language barriers for us,so that we can introduce foreign experts to our country more conveniently and efficiently.
However,it can not be denied that English also exerts a negative influence on our human civilization.Since English becomes a dominant language,a large number of indigenous languages are on the verge of extinction,which poses potential risks to the cultural diversity.Just imagine,if everyone in the world looks the same,speaks the same,and thinks the same,our world will become a homogenous one.How terrible it will be!It is widely accepted that language is the vehicle of culture,so killing language equals killing culture.In doing so,we erase whole histories and bury entire stories,the richness of which the world loses forever.
Obviously,English,like anything else,has more than one face.Its advantages should never keep us from their drawbacks.From my perspective,English and other languages can go side by side with each other,each shining more brilliantly in the other鈥檚 company.
be afraid of exam
I remembered I used to fail on my English.When I was in Middle school,I had gone to face the final graduation exam,but my results were not satisfactory.In particular,my English result was worse,especially in English writing.Though I knew English is a very important subject,I though now it had become a little difficult for me.My poor writing skills had caused me to get low marks on my English exams.This had made me dislike English and I was afraid to take any more exams.I really went to change my situation and enjoyed learning English again.I wondered why so many students liked English and could get good results in English exams.I did want to be one of the best students and go to my ideal high School after graduation.This was my dream,but my English was not good enough.I almost decided to give up English,I though there was no way to improve my result.But my English teacher gave me her hands.She told me that life is not always easy and comfortable.There are more difficulties than eases in the real life.It is likely that we have to face some failures ahead.Therefore,those who learn how to deal and endure failures will taste their success eventually.Then,I red many English newspapers and magazines every week ,did many exercises on English writing and collected Writing material.After several months鈥 efforts,my English level had greatly improved.I was interested in English study and not afraid to take any exam.And I use this method of English study to other courses .Finally,I had made outstanding achievements in the final graduation exam,and went to my ideal high school.
studying is not for the final exam,but for our better tomorrow.and we don't need be afraid of the exam,it is just testing how we've been in our learning.so don't be afraid of studying as well.you should believe that you are sure to succeed!
What are the necessary qualities for a sales manager
What qualities are most important for a project leader to be effective?s.Below are the top 10 in rank order according to frequency listed.
Inspires a Shared Vision
An effective project leader is often described as having a vision of where to go and the ability to articulate it.Visionaries thrive on change and being able to draw new boundaries.
Good Communicator
The ability to communicate with people at all levels is almost always named as the second most important skill by project managers and team members.Project leadership calls for clear communication about goals,responsibility,performance,expectations and feedback.
One of the most important things a project leader must remember is that his or her actions,and not words,set the modus operandi for the team.Good leadership demands commitment to,and demonstration of,ethical practices.Creating standards for ethical behaviour for oneself and living by these standards,as well as rewarding those who exemplify these practices,are responsibilities of project leaders.Leadership motivated by self-interest does not serve the well being of the team.Leadership based on integrity represents nothing less than a set of values others share,behaviour consistent with values and dedication to honesty with self and team members.In other words the leader "walks the talk" and in the process earns trust.
Plain and simple,we don't like leaders who are negative - they bring us down.We want leaders with enthusiasm,with a bounce in their step,with a can-do attitude.We want to believe that we are part of an invigorating journey - we want to feel alive.We tend to follow people with a can-do attitude,not those who give us 200 reasons why something can't be done.Enthusiastic leaders are committed to their goals and express this commitment through optimism.Leadership emerges as someone expresses such confident commitment to a project that others want to share his or her optimistic expectations.Enthusiasm is contagious and effective leaders know it.
What is the difference between empathy and sympathy?Although the words are similar,they are,in fact,mutually exclusive.According to Norman Paul,in sympathy the subject is principally absorbed in his or her own feelings as they are projected into the object and has little concern for the reality and validity of the object's special experience.Empathy,on the other hand,presupposes the existence of the object as a separate individual,entitled to his or her own feelings,ideas and emotional history (Paul,1970).As one student so eloquently put it,"It's nice when a project leader acknowledges that we all have a life outside of work."
Simply put,to enlist in another's cause,we must believe that that person knows what he or she is doing.Leadership competence does not however necessarily refer to the project leader's technical abilities in the core technology of the business.As project management continues to be recognised as a field in and of itself,project leaders will be chosen based on their ability to successfully lead others rather than on technical expertise,as in the past.