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英语翻译1 哪一个 是 离北京 最远的城市?/ 最近的城市?2 离北京 最近的城市 / 最远的城市 是哪个?和翻译相关的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 05:40:43
1 哪一个 是 离北京 最远的城市?/ 最近的城市?
2 离北京 最近的城市 / 最远的城市 是哪个?
3 Which is the closest city to Beijing
句子对么?如正确.有点小迷惑,此句中 :
主语应该是 which
还是 the closest city
离北京最近,介词用 to行么?
which 当形容词,代词 我知道是都可以的.
4 Which city is the closest to Beijing?
5 Which is the closest city to Beijing
转化成 陈述句 应该是哪个啊
The closest city to Beijing is .
.is the closest city to Beijing
英语翻译1 哪一个 是 离北京 最远的城市?/ 最近的城市?2 离北京 最近的城市 / 最远的城市 是哪个?和翻译相关的
1.你第一二行给的两个中文求翻译的结果大同小异:Which is the farthest/closest city to Beijing? Which city is the farthest/closest to Beijing? Which city is farthest to Beijing?
2.语法问题:which,疑问代词,在问句中作为主语;is,谓语,系动词;city,表语;the closest, to Beijing 定语.
3. Which city is the closest to Beijing? 完全没问题,the+adj.=n. 例:the rich won't spare a coin to save the poor.
4.Which is the closest city to Beijing ? 改成陈述句:The closest city to Beijing is xxx. The city (that is ) closest to Beijing is xxx.这个句子不能把xxx改成whicn,起码书面语不能.想让这个句子完成,你只能找个词填上.还能改成xxx is the closest city to Beijing.没问题.
再问: лл��æ�� the closest city to Beijing is XXX, xxx is the closest city to Beijing ���ֳ����䣬�ṹ���ǶԵģ���ݶ����ʵIJ�ͬ���Ҿ������ʾ�������� Which is the closest city to Beijing �� ��仰 ����which Ҳ���ԣ� closest city Ҳ����������ɡ���ǰ���Ͽ��� ˵������� �Ķ��С� �����ҵĵ�һ�뷨����һ��� Ҳ�Ǿ��� which ��� ������ ϵ��ṹ���Ǻǡ� �Ǻǡ�һ��̽�֡�
再答: 本句中,注意,针对本句,which是主语这点是毋庸置疑的,疑问代词本身就是代替某词做主语的,因为我们不能直接以city作为主语来提问,这样句子是不成立的。 city怎么作主语呢,如果他做了主语,表语是谁呢?which又是什么成分呢? 所以,Which is the closest city to Beijing ?这句话,主语唯一。 然而,Which city is the closest to Beijing? 这句话就不同了,主语是谁呢? which city,答对了。 希望解答了你的疑问。