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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/07 14:11:21

As a colleage student,I like the Internet,as a literal man I wish to live in the
world qiute ideal. Just because we are living in the age of Internet which is a virtual world
does not mean that we can live apart from the reality.We are actual human,with
flesh and blood,and most importantly,with emotion.So my point is,there's something more
sigificant for us to treasure,to value.Such things like weath,health,family ties that we sacrifice
even our lives to maintain,and to protect.But the most important thing is family ties,without which we will live alone physically when we are young,lonely emotionally when we grow up,let alone sharing happiness and smothing sorrow。
作为大学学生(如果你是高中生 就用high school student),我喜欢上网,作为一个文明的人,我希望活在一个理想的世界里,
但不是因为我们活在虚拟的互联网时代,就可以与我们的现实分隔开,我们是人,有血有肉,有情感的人。所以我的观点是,我们还有更加有意义的东西需要珍惜,这些东西包括苦苦维持保护的财富,健康,用生命捍卫的亲情。然而 ,最终要的是亲情,假如没有亲情,我们在很小的时候就会单独成长,长大后就会孤单,更别说苦难同当!
我改了一下 应该够一分钟了不足之处,敬请指出。
再问: 嗯 谢谢了 不过我上面的1.2.是二选一就可以了 你两点都有写到,也行。。。